Hashtags on Mastodon (and other social media sites)
This is a list of hashtags that people may be interested in following broken down by subject. If you would like to suggest a hashtag for this list, please contact us.
Writing & Publishing
#MastoWriters and #TheWritersRoom are good for writers. #amwriting #WritingCommunity #MastoWriters #Romancelandia #BookTwitter #Mast
#mastowriters #TheWritersRoom #amwriting #writingcommunity #romancelandia #booktwitter #Mast
As I work on my #ya #romance & #fantasy manuscript today, I remind myself that every bit of strength I give my heroine…every hint of empowerment and fierce bravery in the face of what seems like impossible odds…is a #vote for the fact that women should be in charge of our bodies and our fates.
This is why I love writing romance, y’all.
Well, that and the kissing scenes🤣🔥💘
#romancelandia #romancebooks #writing #amwriting #romantasy #TheWritersRoom #nanowrimo #publishing
#publishing #nanowrimo #TheWritersRoom #romantasy #amwriting #writing #romancebooks #romancelandia #vote #fantasy #romance #ya
Y’all, I know today is a LOT. I feel it too.
But just remember…whether you’re struggling with #health or #mentalhealth …whether you’re wracked with doubt about the future of America…or whether you’re trying to #write today and the words just won’t come…
We’re in this together. And we can do hard things. 💕
#vote #voting #amwriting #thewritersroom #writing #romance #romancebooks
#romancebooks #romance #writing #TheWritersRoom #amwriting #voting #vote #write #mentalhealth #health
Yaaaaaaayyyy! I might have actually melded the 2 pieces of writing that were fighting each other!! #histodon #histodons #academicwriting #iamwriting #TheWritersRoom #histmed #18thc #book2
#histodon #histodons #academicwriting #iamwriting #TheWritersRoom #histmed #18thc #book2
I'm still unsure if it's cool to share this sort of thing here (so shout me down if I'm out of place), but there's a new episode of my podcast, Drafting the Past, out today. Drafting the Past is all about the craft of #writing #history, and this week I had a great time talking with #environmentalhistorian Adam Sowards about his work. You can find the ep here: https://traffic.libsyn.com/draftingthepast/dtp_sowards.mp3 or on your preferred podcast source.
#histodons #TheWritersRoom #WritingAdvice #podcast #DraftingThePast
#writing #history #environmentalhistorian #histodons #TheWritersRoom #writingadvice #podcast #draftingthepast
Tuesday checklist
✅ #voted
✅ fought existential despair into temporary submission
✅ put on coziest sweater
✅ pulled up badass playlist
✅ time to #write and pour creative energy back into the multiverse.
Who’s with me?
#writing #thewritersroom #writingcommunity #romance #romancelandia #books #yaromantasy #fantasy #ya
#ya #fantasy #yaromantasy #books #romancelandia #romance #writingcommunity #TheWritersRoom #writing #write #voted
@emilycolinauthor All of you fantasy writers, how do you come up with names? I’m not looking for otherworldly names, more like parallel world names. Noticeable but not things like Zytregwyn Olgramoth. (Ok now I kinda do like Olgramoth.) #amwriting #WritingCommunity #thewritersroom #nanowrimo
#amwriting #writingcommunity #TheWritersRoom #nanowrimo
Time to stop #procrastinating & do some book corrections! #IAmWriting #TheWritersRoom #MondayFeels #histodons #academic #18thcentury #histmed
#procrastinating #iamwriting #TheWritersRoom #mondayfeels #histodons #academic #18thcentury #histmed
Here’s the cover of a book I designed. It’s for a little chapbook of short stories I intend to give to friends and family for Christmas. What do you think? #writingcommunity #thewritersroom #amwriting
#writingcommunity #TheWritersRoom #amwriting
Ok, maybe it’s just me but…does anyone else feel like finding their #writingcommunity on here is like a magical blend between a treasure hunt & wandering the halls of a darkened mansion, candle in hand? 🤣
I’ve already met awesome folks in #publishing, #thewritersroom, #nanowrimo, my soul-crew in #romancelandia, & great folks in #amwriting #yafiction #fantasy #womensfiction #books
It…it feels like a tiny little home already. And now I’m getting ferklempt.💕 Thanks for welcoming me, everyone!
#books #womensfiction #fantasy #yafiction #amwriting #romancelandia #nanowrimo #TheWritersRoom #publishing #writingcommunity
@JoWrites Ah, congrats on being brave and trying something new! Writing romance can be tough for the uninitiated! I tend to live at the intersection of monsters and 🔥💕 myself…that’s my happy place!!! #romancelandia #amwriting #TheWritersRoom
#TheWritersRoom #amwriting #romancelandia
Good morning! What’s everyone writing today?
I just joined yesterday, but have already met some amazing writerly folks. Here’s some of the spaces where you can find me:
#romancelandia #romance #amwriting #TheWritersRoom #booktwitter #publishing #writingcommunity #fantasy #YAwriters #womensfiction #romcom #paranormalromance #coffee #yoga #foodie #nanowrimo
If any of these sound like your jam, let’s be friends please! Introduce yourself and let’s hang out!
#nanowrimo #foodie #yoga #coffee #paranormalromance #romcom #womensfiction #YAwriters #fantasy #writingcommunity #publishing #booktwitter #TheWritersRoom #amwriting #romance #romancelandia
Good morning! It’s 6 AMish here and dark outside, but I’m up at about to start sprinting for #nanowrimo. 📚🖋Got a 🔥love scene on the docket today…I’m going to need all the ☕️! Anyone wanna sprint with me? I’ll be hanging out for a bit! #romancelandia #romance #thewritersroom #amwriting #nano #fantasy #romantasy
#romantasy #fantasy #nano #amwriting #TheWritersRoom #romance #romancelandia #nanowrimo
@trishwylie I totally understand the burnout! Indie is the way so many folks are going right now. I’m on sub for a trad book right now and it’s pretty brutal. Might wind up going indie myself…it’s such a great, supportive community. Nice to ‘meet’ you! #amwriting #romance #romancelandia #TheWritersRoom
#TheWritersRoom #romancelandia #romance #amwriting
@tenerifeseas Hi, and welcome! It’s great to ‘meet’ you. I only set up my account yesterday and am already meeting so many lovely writerly folk. #TheWritersRoom #writingcommunity
#writingcommunity #TheWritersRoom
@JacquelynMiddleton Welcome! Glad you’re here. We’re all just finding our way! #writingcommunity #TheWritersRoom
#TheWritersRoom #writingcommunity
I’m buzzing along on #nanowrimo. All is calm. All is bright. This is a ms I started in 2019 & had to put aside b/c health issues, so I’m especially filled w/joy.
Suddenly I have a vague recollection of writing a certain scene. Did I make it up? Did I dream it?
No, gentle reader. I wrote it as part of a 30 PAGE OUTLINE that I forgot I created. Just…wrote it & forgot it.
I don’t know whether to be grateful to 2019 me or… 🤯
#writingcommunity #TheWritersRoom
#YAFantasy #romance #amwriting #TheWritersRoom #writingcommunity #nanowrimo
Ok, time to sprint! Any #nanowrimo folks on board? Come join me! #nano #amwriting #amwritingromance #thewritersroom #yafiction #romance #fantasy #TheWritersRoom
#fantasy #romance #yafiction #TheWritersRoom #amwritingromance #amwriting #nano #nanowrimo