This evening, I ran my very 1st game of #TheYellowKing, using the #FreeRPGDay adventure The Doors to Heaven, and here's my conclusion: what took me so long to get to run this game? Why did I let it gather dust on a shelf for so many years instead of enjoying it tremendously as I did tonight? And I'm not the only one: my players are so into it and want so much more now! @robindlaws @pelgranepress #ttrpg #rpg #jdr #TheYellowKingRPG #TYK @foundryvtt
#tyk #TheYellowKingRPG #jdr #rpg #ttrpg #freerpgday #TheYellowKing
This evening, I ran my very 1st game of #TheYellowKing, using the #FreeRPGDay adventure The Doors to Heaven, and here's my conclusion: what took me so long to get to run this game? Why did I let it gather dust on a shelf for so many years instead of enjoying it tremendously as I did tonight? And I'm not the only one: my players are so into it and want so much more now! @robindlaws @pelgranepress #ttrpg #rpg #jdr #TheYellowKingRPG #TYK @foundryvtt
#TheYellowKing #FreeRPGDay #ttrpg #rpg #jdr #TheYellowKingRPG #tyk
Lunchtime and I just finished writing a seed for @pelgranepress #TheYellowKingRPG Paris setting. It stars one of the French realist folk from the 18th century, and uses a lovely (that is, very unpleasant) entry from the Legions of Carcosa supplement.
Anyway, something to get into a playable state over the summer, working title is Visible Forms. #ttrpg
More #TTRPG, as Last night I ran #TheYellowKingRPG Cassilda's Song - The Wars. It's a playtest across four settings and this is the second. I have a second group running the first, the Paris setting.
It's a lot of fun but pretty mind bending, the players did a fair amount of input into a strange phenomenon that had occurred to their PC and now we are riffing off that as much as the scenario.
#TTRPG #gumshoe #TheYellowKingRPG
A nice write up of introducing GUMSHOE to some DnD players.
#ttrpg #GUMSHOE #TheYellowKingRPG
Last week #TheDeeSanction followed by #TheYellowKingRPG The Wars then last night #Dragonbane
At my limit of RPGing but a wonderful variety of games, GMs and players.
This week #OutoftheAshes, back to #TheDeeSanction then #TheYellowKingRPG Paris before #FrontierScum and ending the week with more #Dragonbane
Overstretching but as partner is away, I'll not be getting into too much trouble
#TheDeeSanction #TheYellowKingRPG #DragonBane #OutoftheAshes #frontierscum #ttrpg #gumshoe #osr
@poutsma been following along, sounds a lot of fun, I'm about to embark on some war based horror #ttrpg games. Never Going Home at #concretecow on Saturday and then the playtest of a campaign #theyellowkingrpg Cassilda's Song - The Wars, luckily these both diverge from reality, as I'm always worried they'll be a war buff that will point out my mistakes on people, places and timings
#ttrpg #ConcreteCow #TheYellowKingRPG
Got games to prep; #ttrpg reading weekend Ben Milton's #OSR game #Knave #MorkBorg flavoured #FrontierScum from Karl Druid then a #gumsgoe game from Robin D Laws #TheYellowKingRPG - Cassilda's Song, The Wars playtest
#ttrpg #osr #Knave #MorkBorg #frontierscum #gumsgoe #TheYellowKingRPG
We finished the first scenario in the playtest of #TheYellowKingRPG campaign. What a great group, with loads of wonderful interplay and positive feedback. Looking forward to continuing beyond the deadline. #gumshoe #ttrpg
Friday is a hard time to GM, end-of-the-week syndrome. Still, within a few moments of play, I'm energised and riffing off of the player interaction, creating memorable scenes in an epic story, both written by the author and then redeveloped by the collective.
#TheYellowKingRPG #gumshoe #ttrpg
@TheTweedmeister @cybergoths @pelgranepress #TheYellowKingRPG is definitely on my 2023 To GM list!
@TheTweedmeister @pelgranepress heading down from the valley in the mountains into Italy in #TheYellowKingRPG
A great deal of fun & horror was had in session one of the playtest of Cassilda's Song.
Not much can be divulged but as flavour...
...a destitute portrait painter, armed with wine & cigs
...a lovesick poet taking an impromptu dip in the Seine
...a sculptor's bloodied jacket given up to a gendarme students arm themselves with a scythe, secateurs, a pruner & a hay fork
...a dead end in an alleyway, but something has followed them
#gumshoe #TheYellowKingRPG #TheYellowKing #cassildassong
Gaming retrospective for 2022
TL;DR: 49 games (12 face-to-face), dominant game was #dnd5e run on #roll20 for my Curse of Strahd campaign. Games I played most myself were #trailofcthulhu (Eternal Lies) and #TheYellowKingRPG - both Gumshoe. #playrole was my go-to VTT outside the D&D campaign. Finally introduced the kids to gaming.
#dnd5e #roll20 #trailofcthulhu #TheYellowKingRPG #playrole
So, for an early Christmas present, I've decided to bring forward the sign-up to The Raspy Raven Gumshoe Season to ... TODAY!
Around 3 weeks to put your choices in & join the Discord (See my profile)
#ttrpg #gumshoe #NightsBlackAgents #SwordsoftheSerpentine #FearItself #Timewatch #TrailofCthulhu #TheEsoterrorists #TheYellowKingRPG #CastingtheRunes
cc @pelgranepress @robindlaws @Mytholder @gbsteve @Multiplexer @simonjrogers @TheTweedmeister @PaulBaldowski @seanfsmith
#ttrpg #gumshoe #NightsBlackAgents #SwordsoftheSerpentine #FearItself #TimeWatch #trailofcthulhu #theesoterrorists #TheYellowKingRPG #CastingTheRunes
#5and5 #ttrpg
5 Recently played games:
1. #callofcthulhu
2. #dungeonsAndDragons
3. #trailofcthulhu
4. #Morkborg
5. #ose
5 games I want to play
1. #deltagreen
2. #kidsonbikes
3. #draculadossier
4. #mothership
5. #TheYellowKingRPG
re: Delta Green, I've been prepping for two weeks for first session this coming Friday. I'll be running Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays, and I've been making handouts and props like a madman
#5and5 #ttrpg #callofcthulhu #dungeonsAndDragons #trailofcthulhu #MorkBorg #ose #deltagreen #KidsOnBikes #DraculaDossier #mothership #TheYellowKingRPG
The public wants an #introduction, the public gets an #introduction.
I was born in #1964 already as a baby #Boomer. Some say that was a great mistake.
In 1998 I started roleplaying (or was it roll-playing?) and was introduced to AD&D. My favorite system is #SavageWorlds, at least when I'm the GM. Systems I'm also into at the moment: #SLAIndustries #DeltaGreen #TheYellowKingRPG, #Traveller.
Other things I like:
* #RUNBSD, #OpenBSD and #9front
* Weird programming languages
* retrocomputing
#introduction #boomer #savageworlds #SLAIndustries #deltagreen #TheYellowKingRPG #traveller #runbsd #openbsd #9front
@artikid Sto rileggendo proprio in questi giorni il gioco di ruolo “Il Re in Giallo”. 🤣