Wo ich grad dabei bin, das gute alte Album "Velvet Darkness they fear" von Theatre of Tragedy zu hören ...
#tanzderschatten #TheatreOfTragedy
... "With fairytales filled up in head... "
Sempre stata la mia preferita...
#mastometal #theatreoftragedy
#NowPlaying #TheMetalDogIsNowPlaying
#GothicMetal #Gothic #Femalefrontedmetal #metal #symphonicmetal
#nowplaying #themetaldogisnowplaying #TheatreOfTragedy #gothicmetal #gothic #femalefrontedmetal #metal #symphonicmetal
auch schon fast 30 Jahre her...
Verdammt bin ich alt.
Zu der Zeit kannte man noch nicht mal #Nightwish ;)
#musiclove #goth #gothrock #TheatreOfTragedy #opaerzaehltvonfrueher
#opaerzaehltvonfrueher #TheatreOfTragedy #gothrock #goth #musiclove #nightwish
Hey, it's my Spotify wrapped summary 📒
#sethabrikoos #sethpicturesmusic #metal #amorphis #cradleoffilth #epica #TheatreOfTragedy #metalband #nederland #spotify #spotifywrapped
#spotifywrapped2022 #SpotifyWrapped #spotify #nederland #metalband #TheatreOfTragedy #epica #cradleoffilth #amorphis #metal #sethpicturesmusic #sethabrikoos
This feature by
Anshay Sabo is genius.
I tried it too 😅
🔗 Link: https://instafest.app/home
Would be a quite genre mix line up😂
#sethpicturesmusic #sethabrikoos #juliamichaels #dreamtheater #theatreoftragedy #alanwalker #edsheeran #cradleoffilth #epica #halsey #billieeilish #archenemy #draconian #metal #metalband #rotterdam #socialmediamanager #socialmedia #playlist #spotify
#spotify #playlist #socialmedia #socialmediamanager #rotterdam #metalband #metal #DRACONIAN #ArchEnemy #BillieEilish #halsey #epica #cradleoffilth #EdSheeran #alanwalker #TheatreOfTragedy #dreamtheater #juliamichaels #sethabrikoos #sethpicturesmusic
Mal eine etwas andere Musik gefällig? Einer meiner Lieblinssongs. Leider gibt es die Band seit 2010 nicht mehr, aber die Musik bleibt.