Hello, I am #NewHere. I am a #Historian, thus a resident of #Academia and member of the inclination group #histodon. Work and research focus is on #EarlyModernHistory #Theoryof History #CulturalHistory. Home university is Duesseldorf/Germany @HHU
I am also interested in cultural, social and political phenomena of various kinds: #museum #theatre #music #jazz #ClassicalMusic #IndieMusic #politics
Currently (and until further notice) I am working on a completely megalomaniac project about a history of #world -compositions. A work in progress can be found here: https://vonwelt.hypotheses.org. More specifically, I am interested in a history of phenomena of #emptiness in this context. And in #river -stories I swim around as well at the moment.
I was on Twitter for a few years, but deleted my account there as of today. For reasons.
I‘m a fan of the aphoristic in microblogging.
Cheers everybody! And thanks for the warm welcome.
#River #emptiness #world #Politics #indiemusic #classicalmusic #jazz #music #theatre #museum #culturalhistory #Theoryof #earlymodernhistory #histodon #academia #historian #newhere