✨️ #SelfPromoSaturday
ICYMI, new podcast episode! The first episode of #TopicTuesdays is live. Taking a look at the origins of the #NewAge movement; from #mesmerism to #theosophy: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/byrdbrnz/topic-tuesdays-new-age-history
Also, catch me tomorrow for some more Cinderella Phenomena on #Twitch. We're switching to a new time, Sundays at 1900EST, for all of August. Hope you're able to join us! https://twitch.tv/byrdbrnz
#SelfPromoSaturday #topictuesdays #newage #mesmerism #Theosophy #twitch
Robert Crosbie, born OTD in 1849 in Canada, was a founder of the United Lodge of Theosophists in Los Angeles, California https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/us-wash-masonic.html?s=mb #Theosophy
Max Heindel, who died OTD in 1919, was a prominent Theosophist, #Rosicrucian, and occultist https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/us-wash-masonic.html?s=mb #travel #WashingtonDC #theosophy #rosicrucianism
#rosicrucian #travel #washingtondc #Theosophy #rosicrucianism
Today I Learned there's a name for this thing I've toyed with the idea of since grade school 🤯 guess I'm diving down a new rabbit hole
#Tulpa is a concept in #Theosophy, #mysticism, and the #paranormal, of an object or being that is created through spiritual or mental powers. Modern practitioners, who call themselves "tulpamancers", use the term to refer to a type of willed imaginary friend which practitioners consider to be sentient and relatively independent.
#paranormal #mysticism #Theosophy #Tulpa