Heart beating fast
Your own voice repetitively fearing everything most people wouldn't think twice about.
Legs weak, feeling like jelly.
Dizziness sets in as heart beats harder.
Oh shit, am I going to pass out or die this time?
The cycle of anxiety & panic attacks.
Many times there are triggers, other times, hard to find the trigger.
#Yournotcrazy #Thereishelp #Counseling #psychology
#yournotcrazy #ThereIsHelp #counseling #psychology
#Musk contradicts #Twitter safety chief, disavows statement as “fake news”
"Reuters reported that Twitter had seemingly removed ... #ThereIsHelp feature, which was designed to share suicide-prevention resources...Irwin emailed Reuters to confirm that the feature was “temporarily removed.”...Musk tweeted to contradict Irwin’s statement...Reuters confirmed that the feature was restored, continuing to contradict Musk’s statement that the feature was never removed."
#Twitter-Chef Elon #Musk twitterte, die Funktion sei "immer noch da". Als Reaktion auf die Kritik von Twitter-Nutzern schrieb er zudem: "Twitter verhindert keinen Selbstmord." Das Tool, bekannt als #ThereIsHelp, platziert ein Banner an der Spitze der Suchergebnisse für bestimmte Themen. Es listet Kontakte zu #Hilfsorganisationen in vielen Ländern auf, die sich unter anderem mit psychischer Gesundheit und sexueller Ausbeutung von Kindern befassen.
#Hilfsorganisationen #ThereIsHelp #musk #twitter
Після розголосу, у twitter повернули функцію #ThereIsHelp, яка покликана допомагти користувачам, які шукають певний контент, гарячі лінії для запобігання самогубствам тощо. https://espreso.tv/twitter-povernuv-funktsiyu-poklikanu-zapobigati-samogubstvam-reuters
Twitter restores #ThereIsHelp suicide prevention feature following pressure from campaign groups, report says https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-ordered-removal-of-twitter-suicide-prevention-feature-report-2022-12
Christmas is just about the worst possible time you could remove #suicide prevention prompts from a social media site. It's hard to imagine all of this stuff is coincidental but some of it really tests any kind of rationalisation, going well beyond "the cruelty is the point" and out the other side. He just wants people to die? What interest does this serve? 🤔 #ElonMusk #Twitter #ThereIsHelp
#ThereIsHelp #Twitter #ElonMusk #Suicide
RT @RVAwonk@twitter.com
Twitter has restored its “#ThereIsHelp” suicide prevention feature after Reuters reported on its removal yesterday.
Musk restored the #ThereIsHelp suicide, HIV, gender-based violence prevention feature to Twitter.
The security head said they removed it temporarily while working on it.
A former member of the security council said you typically make an upgraded version w/o taking the old one down.
Reuters: "AIDS United...received about 70 referrals a day through the feature. Since its removal...that number had fallen to just 14."
Sometimes, (sincere and in good faith) loud outcries work
#ThereIsHelp #twitter #elonmusk
#ThereIsHelp: Twitter entfernt Hinweise auf Hilfehotlines - Golem.de
https://glm.io/170727?n #ElonMusk #RIPTwitter
#riptwitter #elonmusk #ThereIsHelp
On the birdsite, Elon Musk ordered the removal of features that promoted suicide prevention hotlines and other safety resources to users looking up certain content. Why would you remove #ThereIsHelp ?
"Elon Musk quietly ordered the removal of Twitter’s #ThereIsHelp suicide prevention feature, report says" here: https://l.smartnews.com/ZLj5i/DZuKfe
To read it on the web, tap here: https://l.smartnews.com/aMf9o/DZuKfe
@ildisinformatico Twitterremoto (quarta puntata): compare il numero di visualizzazioni, #ThereIsHelp rimosso temporaneamente, giornalisti ancora bloccati, Mastodon verso i 9 milioni di utenti
Elon Musk ‘orders Twitter to remove suicide prevention feature’ | Twitter | The Guardian
Sources say new owner sought removal of the #ThereIsHelp feature which appeared at the top of certain searches
Elon Musk ‘orders Twitter to remove suicide prevention feature’ - The Guardian https://apple.news/AKm_DaBE1R4uDkkF2VwPLaA #ThereIsHelp
The Guardian:
"Elon Musk ‘orders Twitter to remove suicide prevention feature’ Sources say new owner sought removal of #ThereIsHelp feature that appeared at top of certain searches."
How is it that some people seem to make it their mission to make the world a worse place?!??
RT @RealTadzioM
Elon Musk befiehlt #Twitter, die Funktion zur Selbstmordprävention zu entfernen".
Der neue Eigentümer strebt die Entfernung der #ThereIsHelp-Funktion an, die bei bestimmten Suchanfragen an erster Stelle erschien
Frohe Weihnachten?
On Musks orders, Twitter removed the #ThereIsHelp-note that linked users searching for certain terms to help-hotlines and similar resources. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/dec/23/elon-musk-orders-twitter-to-remove-suicide-prevention-feature
Why? There is one explanation many are googling for:
Is Elon Musk Ebenezer Scrooge?
His face is rendered into well-known movies, there are many comments on this, and even a song.
But what about us? Are we living in a Dickensian nightmare, and how do we escape it?
Twitter continues its downward spiral. Does Musk consider suicide prevention "woke" ? #ThereIsHelp #Musk #twitter https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/dec/23/elon-musk-orders-twitter-to-remove-suicide-prevention-feature