#SpiderSunday: a candy-stripe cobweb spider (_Enoplognatha ovata_ var. _redimita_) on a Canada thistle. To the left you can see a spiky little tortoise beetle larva with its tail curled upwards to hold its protective shield of poop.
#spidersunday #arthrobeauty #dailyspiderpic #spiders #Theridiidae
Exciting Peak Anystid discovery today: just like the spiders in early spring had webs full of clover mites, the spiders now have webs full of whirligig mites!!
#DailySpiderPic #spiders #Theridiidae #DailyMitePic #Mitestodon #mites #Acari #Anystidae #arachnids
#dailyspiderpic #spiders #Theridiidae #DailyMitePic #Mitestodon #mites #Acari #anystidae #arachnids
#SpiderSunday: an _Enoplognatha_ cobweb spider (a juvenile male going by the bulbous but undifferentiated pedipalps) delicately drawing out silk. Found down by the lake.
#ArthroBeauty #DailySpiderPic #arachnids #spiders #Araneae #Theridiidae
#spidersunday #arthrobeauty #dailyspiderpic #arachnids #spiders #araneae #Theridiidae
A checkered cobweb weaver (Steatoda triangulosa) that I found while fixing a broken air fryer yesterday. #Theridiidae #arachnid #spider
#Theridiidae #arachnid #spider