Idk if I have any weird hashtags but I'd like to find some.
#Books: #RayBradbury #KurtVonnegut #WilliamGibson #StephenKing #ThievesWorld
#Music: #TypeONegative #Atmosphere #SerjTankian #ZackHemsey #TheKillers
#Outdoors: #Camping #Hiking #UltraLight #Backpacking #Jeep #Wrangler #Overlanding #VanLife
#GeoScience: #Geology #Geography #GIS #Maps #Mapstodon
#Tech: #Analytics #DataScience #DataViz #FullStackDev
#Gaming: #Modding #Fallout76 #Cyberpunk2077 #Dishonored #FanFic
#Books #raybradbury #kurtvonnegut #williamgibson #stephenking #ThievesWorld #music #typeonegative #atmosphere #SerjTankian #zackhemsey #thekillers #outdoors #camping #hiking #ultralight #backpacking #jeep #wrangler #overlanding #vanlife #geoscience #geology #geography #gis #maps #mapstodon #tech #analytics #datascience #dataviz #fullstackdev #gaming #modding #fallout76 #cyberpunk2077 #dishonored #fanfic #art #hopper #rodin
So for holiday s%!ts & giggles I am going to do a random roll, pull whatever number it is off my shelf, and highlight that game. Let’s see what comes up.
Dec 18th Roll:
Thieves’ World Companion by Steve Perrin, Anders Swenson, Lynn Willis, I.C.E., Midkemia Press
“Sanctuary, the town too mean to die has many new characters that now stride the city's streets, pillage the foolish in its alleys, and connive in its back rooms” #thievesworld #ttrpg
When suddenly having to make up an #NPC on the fly, I’m thankful for all those fantasy books I read in the 1980s. The best part about it is that the players I have in my games are often unfamiliar with books like #Thievesworld or the #Belgariad
Even if I don’t lift a character whole cloth from those books I can always draw on them for a name or a general idea. I’m still waiting for a reason to throw in a thief/assassin named Silk…but I think that’s a little too obvious.
Hi! I’ve wanted to be a #writer since the 6th grade. I’m revisiting that dream, decades later, after a career in the software industry. My current project is #Fantasy, #ThievesWorld meets #Kurosawa. I don’t feel ready for #NaNoWriMo this year, but I’ve won once before, and I need to get back in the habit, so I may as well dive in. #Introduction
#introduction #nanowrimo #kurosawa #ThievesWorld #fantasy #writer