More truly worthy testimony from the NCI. Here is how true and deeply held religious beliefs were treated during vaxx mandates, even when the person had a contract exempting them from vaccines of any kind.
Please read the write up at RAIR Foundation
#Covidmeasures #NCINationalCitizensInquiry #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #vaccines
#vaccines #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #NCINationalCitizensInquiry #Covidmeasures
Two Canadian women present on Trudeau’s various plans for firearms confiscations and what it means to Canada
The following presentation was given to a local liberty minded group at an Ottawa venue last week. One of the two women presenting, actually sued the federal government
#ChristineGeneroux #Guncontrol #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada
#ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #guncontrol #ChristineGeneroux
Pierre Poilievre advert with substance
I would be interested to hear what people feel Pierre alludes to in this campaign commercial. It would appear that Mr. Poilievre knows what is actually taking place.
#Elections #PierrePoillievre #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada
#ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #PierrePoillievre #Elections
Derek Sloan speaks to the NCI about politics and Pharma in Canada
The last three days has been the end of the cross-Canada tour of the National Citizen's Inquiry into Covid policies. It has been absolutely critical in understanding the state of the totalitarian revolution that took place and is still underway in Canada. We hav
#Covidmeasures #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #vaccines
#vaccines #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Covidmeasures
Canadian Lawyer, Bruce Pardy exposes the logical fallacies and destruction of democratic process during Covid
First, here is what Queen's University says about Bruce Pardy:
Professor Pardy is a classically liberal legal academic for whom equal application of the law, negative
#Covidmeasures #Gallopingstatism #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada
#ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Gallopingstatism #Covidmeasures
Action item from US Lt. Steven Rogers on Canadian bill C11
Start at 6 minutes
#ExposingLeftism #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada
#ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #ExposingLeftism
National Citizens Inquiry: Daniel Bulford, ex sniper on Trudeau’s RCMP security detail
#Covidmeasures #Gallopingstatism #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada
#ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Gallopingstatism #Covidmeasures
Trudeau, and other tyrants, now claiming they did not force the shots, or, how to lie like a child
In previous posts, we have discussed what we call, "The Sandbox Lies" of our current crop of Western governments. What I mean by that is that we hear a steady stream of
#Liesmygovernmenttoldme #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #ThingsTrudeaudoestoscrewCanada
#ThingsTrudeaudoestoscrewCanada #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Liesmygovernmenttoldme
Retired Police Officer Vincent Gircys Testimony | Toronto Day 3 | National Citizens Inquiry
This veteran police officer details the events leading up to the Freedom Convoy and what happened to him, including a fine of ten thousand dollars for attending a Church Service. Watch
#Freedomofconscience #freedomofspeech #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Truckerprotest
#Truckerprotest #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #freedomofspeech #Freedomofconscience
Randy Hillier: Chinese COLLUSION not interference
Randy Hiller is someone we will always have time for. We saw him rescue truckers that had been effectively kidnapped by ANTIFA on Riverside Drive during the Freedom Convoy initially single handedly when the police would not free them, while ANTIFA under the flag of Canada's Civil Service Union, int
#China #RandyHillier #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada
#ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #RandyHillier #China
Josh Alexander on Tucker Carlson
A couple of weeks ago, RAIR Foundation had the opportunity to speak with Josh and get a detailed explanation of what happened to him
#Dialectics #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Trans-scam #TuckerCarlson #WaronChristians
#WaronChristians #TuckerCarlson #Trans #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Dialectics
Ontario Paramedic drops info-bombs on infant mortality
Please read the writeup at RAIR Foundation
#Massiveconspiracy #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #vaccines
#vaccines #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Massiveconspiracy
Trudeau calls Canadian intel service “Racist” for materials that may indicate the Chinese communists bought Trudeau and influenced the election
It looks like Trudeau has made the same mistake that Trump, Nixon and Eisenhower all did, except
#China #CorruptCanadianLeftists #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada
#ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #CorruptCanadianLeftists #China
Thinking about Canada’s Bill C11 and other fascist measures of thought control by Trudeau…
#Canada #Freedomofconscience #freedomofspeech #Freedoms #LeftistactionsinCanada #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #ThingsTrudeaudoestoscrewCanada #Waronfreedoms
#Waronfreedoms #ThingsTrudeaudoestoscrewCanada #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #LeftistactionsinCanada #Freedoms #freedomofspeech #Freedomofconscience #Canada
Liberal appointed Senator explains Trudeau’s C11 bill for the fascist, communist horror show that it is
#ExposingLeftism #Gallopingstatism #History #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #ThingsTrudeaudoestoscrewCanada
#ThingsTrudeaudoestoscrewCanada #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #History #Gallopingstatism #ExposingLeftism
Glenn Beck: The newest attack on Western freedoms, and a solid guess as to where it started
To be clear, no one should have any doubts that this will happen in pretty much exactly the way Glenn Beck and Co. is describing it. We think we can say that with some confidence, because we have seen this happen before in Canada and kno
Jordan Peterson and his scheduled struggle session
Today in Toronto is a protest around noon for Dr. Peterson. Here is a post with the details. Meanwhile last night some activists made it clear how they felt about it.
Outside and against the wall of the College of Psychologists:
Here is
#EvidenceofWesterncountriesbecomingcommunist #Prof.JordanPeterson #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada
#ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Prof #EvidenceofWesterncountriesbecomingcommunist
Retired Ontario Lawyer details some of the horrors of ‘institutional capture’
It isn't just the colleges for doctors which no longer serve the public interest, but are now weapons of state power. It appears to be
#Communism #CommunistFrontGroups #EvidenceofWesterncountriesbecomingcommunist #Itreallyisacommieplot #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Vectorsofcommunistattack
#Vectorsofcommunistattack #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #Itreallyisacommieplot #EvidenceofWesterncountriesbecomingcommunist #CommunistFrontGroups #Communism
Statement Regarding Charge Laid Against John Carpay
The following article by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms is perhaps some of the best evidence of the replacement of rule of law with an authoritarian Marxism we have seen so far. A lawyer, who gathered evidence of the flagrant and cynical
#Covidmeasures #EvidenceofWesterncountriesbecomingcommunist #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada
#ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #EvidenceofWesterncountriesbecomingcommunist #Covidmeasures
ALERT: Dr. Byram Bridle, Viral immunologist ARRESTED for inciting CIVIL UNREST!!
This is as yet unconfirmed, but I have from a very solid source that this is the case!!
We will be posting a recent interview with Dr. Bridle shortly.
This is stunning stunning and insanely totalitarian news!!!
#ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada #vaccines
#vaccines #ThingsTrudeaudoestodestroyCanada