On #ThinkImmigration, AILA DEI Scholarship recipient Gerardo Villegas Juarez examines the distinct liminality of #DACA-mented and undocumented attorneys and law students who work in and study #immigrationlaw: https://bit.ly/3xXLrDx
#ThinkImmigration #daca #immigrationlaw
Current #immigration laws do not provide an immigrant option for start-up entrepreneurs. On #ThinkImmigration, AILA member Aaron Kochenderfer urges Congress to add a start-up visa and looks at how the #RustBelt would benefit economically and culturally: https://bit.ly/3EuUqzV
#immigration #ThinkImmigration #rustbelt
Following a win on unjust L-1 denials, @AILANational member Dominique Pando Bucci urges fellow AILA members to look for opportunities to utilize litigation to fight for their clients. READ more about the case on #ThinkImmigration: https://bit.ly/3InNzuj
Each year millions of people file their taxes. On #ThinkImmigration, AILA member Kara Hart shares why it’s especially important for those involved in a U.S. #immigration process to prepare their tax return accurately: https://bit.ly/3JNiC3O
#ThinkImmigration #immigration
AILA DEI Scholarship recipient and law student member Taylor Flores explores the new #BidenAdministration policy that aims to expand noncitizen worker protections and the historic discrimination that prompted this change. READ on #ThinkImmigration: https://bit.ly/3RdjQao
#BidenAdministration #ThinkImmigration
AILA DEI Scholarship recipient and law student member Taylor Flores explores the new #BidenAdministration policy that aims to expand noncitizen worker protections and the historic discrimination that prompted this change. READ on #ThinkImmigration: https://bit.ly/3RdjQao
#BidenAdministration #ThinkImmigration
The Michael Maggio Immigrants’ Rights Summer Fellowship allows law students to strengthen their commitment to #immigration law by obtaining hands on practice experience. READ more from @AILANational@twitter.com President @McKJeremy@twitter.com on #ThinkImmigration: https://bit.ly/3QYcKGm
#immigration #ThinkImmigration
The Michael Maggio Immigrants’ Rights Summer Fellowship supports law students’ commitment to justice, particularly for immigrant populations. On #ThinkImmigration, AILA President Jeremy McKinney shares more about the fellowship and past recipients: https://bit.ly/3QYcKGm
The extreme I-601A waiver delays at @USCIS@twitter.com present serious harm to individuals and their families when they’re left in limbo, potentially for years. READ more from @AILANational@twitter.com’s Jonathan Valdez on #ThinkImmigration: https://bit.ly/3X6oHMC
The extreme I-601A waiver delays at USCIS present serious harm to individuals and their families when they’re left in limbo, potentially for years. READ more from AILA’s Jonathan Valdez on #ThinkImmigration: https://bit.ly/3X6oHMC
The T Visa can be a lifesaver and life-rearranger for immigrant survivors of trafficking. Helen Tarokic and Jesse Bless walk through criteria for eligibility and how to secure these protections for eligible clients. READ on #ThinkImmigration: https://bit.ly/3Gvvuse
On #ThinkImmigration, Eric Lee and @DamastEsq@twitter.com explain and call attention to the “doctrine of consular nonreviewability,” which has prevented immigrants and their U.S. citizen family members from legally challenging denied visas. WATCH here: https://bit.ly/3HVCOjf
Following up on their #AILALawJournal article and #ThinkImmigration blog post, Eric Lee and Sabrina Damast take to video to explain the problematic “doctrine of consular nonreviewability” and its importance to #immigration practitioners. WATCH here: https://bit.ly/3HVCOjf
#ailalawjournal #ThinkImmigration #immigration
For #ThinkImmigration, #AILALawJournal authors Curtis F.J. Doebbler and Elisa Fornalé ask #immigration lawyers to consider whether they should bring their clients’ cases to international fora when domestic efforts to ensure rights fail. READ here: https://bit.ly/3Yntvy0
#ThinkImmigration #ailalawjournal #immigration
On #ThinkImmigration, @AILANational’s Paul Stern writes why Congress must provide greater funding and #USCISaccountability to ensure the agency can continue addressing its backlogs and processing delays: https://bit.ly/3FmM5On
#ThinkImmigration #uscisaccountability
After two years and litigation, the Trump-era “Death to Asylum” regulations still appear in searches. On #ThinkImmigration, @vfneilson@twitter.com explains why this is harmful and why the government should make the applicable law easily accessible: https://bit.ly/3VMouxw
After two years and litigation, the Trump-era “Death to Asylum” regulations still appear in searches. On #ThinkImmigration, Victoria Neilson explains why this is harmful and why the government should make the applicable law easily accessible: https://bit.ly/3VMouxw
After two years and litigation, the Trump-era “Death to Asylum” regulations still appear in searches. On #ThinkImmigration, Victoria Neilson explains why this is harmful and why the government should make the applicable law easily accessible: https://bit.ly/3VMouxw
New data on harm caused to children as immigrant families are divided prompted Lory D. Rosenberg, Susan G. Roy, Paul Schmidt, and Rekha Sharma-Crawford (@rsc998@twitter.com) to look for a more compassionate approach to removal cancellation. READ on #ThinkImmigration: https://bit.ly/3iCKWue
New data on the harm caused to children as immigrant families are divided prompted Lory D. Rosenberg, Susan G. Roy, Paul Schmidt, and Rekha Sharma-Crawford to look for a more compassionate approach to removal cancellation. READ on #ThinkImmigration: https://bit.ly/3iCKWue