Nozīmīgākais solis jebkurai valstij, kura vēlas iestāties Eiropas Savienībā!
Šobrīd tiešraidē pārrunājam Kopenhāgenas kritēriju ietekmi uz Baltijas valstu attīstību:ølg-online
#CopenhagenCriteria #EUEnlargement #ThinkTankEuropa @DanishMFA
#CopenhagenCriteria #EUEnlargement #ThinkTankEuropa
Join live as we discuss the impact of 🇩🇰 the Copenhagen Criteria on reforms in the Baltic States and the lessons learned!
#CopenhagenCriteria #EUEnlargement #ThinkTankEuropa @DanishMFA
#CopenhagenCriteria #EUEnlargement #ThinkTankEuropa
RT @ZdenekCechEU: Right now starting the next #ThinkTankEuropa 🇪🇺 event on “climate-relevant data”. How can models help to calibrate better the climate policies? Bringing the key 🇸🇰 climate stakeholders, spirit of enthusiasm to deliver improvements together.✅
RT @ZdenekCechEU: Sharing know-how by 🇪🇺 @ecfin @EIB 🇸🇰 on financial instruments ➡️ #ThinktankEuropa event @ZEKvSR. Debate on targeting the key policy areas (green investments, social area, SMEs, transport). Non-grant financing in 🇸🇰 can still be boosted by #ESIF allocation into #InvestEU
#ThinkTankEuropa #ESIF #InvestEU
Plán obnovy @SK_Recovery je výkonnostne orientovaný, prepája reformy a investície. S cieľom pomôcť záujemcom o renováciu ich domov sa na Slovensku vytvoria aj poradenské regionálne centrá. @LudmilaMajlath #REPowerBudovy #ThinkTankEuropa
#REPowerBudovy #ThinkTankEuropa
Práve začalo podujatie REPower Slovensko🇸🇰🇪🇺: Ako budú vyzerať naše budovy po roku 2026?
Diskutujte na Slido🔓 #REPowerBudovy.
▶️ Živý prenos online na
@bpb_sk @SK_Recovery
#REPowerBudovy #ThinkTankEuropa
Dnes o 9:00 h. sa uskutoční podujatie REPower Slovensko🇸🇰🇪🇺: Ako budú vyzerať naše budovy po roku 2026?
Zapojte sa do diskusie na🔓 #REPowerBudovy.
▶️Sledujte online na
@bpb_sk @SK_Recovery
#REPowerBudovy #ThinkTankEuropa
RT @ZdenekCechEU: Right now a #ThinkTankEuropa debate @ZEKvSR on how to deliver better policies in🇸🇰 tru impact assessment and evaluation. Hands-on experience from @EU_Commission shared by Bernard Naudts (EC Regulatory Scrutiny Board). #RecoveryPlan
#ThinkTankEuropa #RecoveryPlan