:anarchiststar: ARIS · @Aris
10 followers · 65 posts · Server kolektiva.social

’s Fascist Inheritance & the Long War On the


#nato #ThirdWorld

Last updated 2 years ago

The term third world was coined during the early years of the Cold War. While it has come to he associated as a pejorative term to denote economic deprivation in African, Asian and Latin American countries the original meaning of the term was very different.

While the world was divided up into two distinctive blocs, what made a country a third world nation was not so easy to define.

#criticalpsychology #ThirdWorld #coldwar

Last updated 2 years ago

Tremarctos Ornatus · @nerdbear
14 followers · 56 posts · Server climatejustice.social

is truly a third word country.

It is supposedly a constitutional right to be to drive a car in front of every door if the car is used to practise a profession.

Ergo even minor attempts at pedestrianisation like the limited scale car free Sundays being proposed by the Green Party, are doomed to be complete failures.

Sidewalk parking and sidewalk driving are even now at levels in , deliveries, construction workers, taxis and the crap hats (the police) being worst offenders. The latter and the city blatantly not enforcing any rules. These people are going to blatantly abuse any lenience given to them with respect to driving restrictions. So absolutely none should be given.


#finland #ThirdWorld #helsinki #FuckCars #bensafasismi #kehitysmaakaupunki #thirdworldisation #kehitysmaa

Last updated 2 years ago

· @SamCurtis
3 followers · 892 posts · Server masthead.social

= = = =

Color Blind Cucks are worse then the CRT COMMIES -- the commies just hate you, the CUCKS DENY YOU EXIST AS A RACE WHITE MAN!

'' = = becomes a Nation of = destroyed. bitchute.com/video/uZivS4UQaRb

#BrownTrash #ThirdWorld #usa #left #commie #right #ConInc #whitegenocide #antiracism #crt #antiwhite #colorblind

Last updated 2 years ago

· @SamCurtis
3 followers · 892 posts · Server masthead.social
· @SamCurtis
3 followers · 892 posts · Server masthead.social

CORPORATION: "We are excited to build these dwellings with we sourced from abroad.

Building these creates for a bit. We care about the short term. When these barely projects near completion though we will lobby govt to enable us to the again to build more (-I mean), .

We'll ensure the offer that -style vibe.

#highrise #indebtedLabour #verticalSlums #jobs #liveable #rape #LocalCommunity #prisons #verticalPrecincts #humanFilingCabinets #ThirdWorld #ghetto #sandMafia #construction #overdevelopment

Last updated 4 years ago

Is it true that and are blocked in some cities where the are?

If so that drives home the need for (eg. ). Apparently there are people on the street using encrypted and ?

We've said it before but will repeat - the has devolved into an aggressive, country.

#tor #i2p #protests #meshnet #LochaMesh #walkieTalkies #transponderLocators #us #ThirdWorld #gentrification #privateprisons #riodCops #steroids #militarisation #violence #homeToRoost #inequality #sovereignty #privacy #safety #policestate

Last updated 5 years ago

Judging by that video, the police seem to be doing a good job of forcing people back inside their by using and .

It sounds like they might be aiming for people's heads already.

We always said the US was an aggressive, nation, it looks like the aggression is firming targeted at their own people now.

It was only a matter of time.

#apartments #extremeForce #intimidation #ThirdWorld #fullcircle

Last updated 5 years ago

Three branches of are (ie. ), (a federation of unelected corporations pretending to be a govt entity), and the ( yet lords over an aggressive and invades other democratic countries by labeling them undemocratic).

#corporatism #thefed #moneyPrinterGoBrr #thefederalreserve #fed #undemocratic #ThirdWorld #twoPlusTwoEqualsFive #whyBitcoin

Last updated 5 years ago

In the numbers strain .

We bring in extreme numbers of people at the age of 30 approx which not only puts immediate on , , and . At 30 years old many are starting larger families and putting upward pressure on and .

As a result we are growing at 1.7% per annum, a rate akin to "" countries.

UK might be lower but people voted - that's a kind of .

#australia #infrastructure #upwardPressure #transport #housing #wages #consumption #health #education #population #ThirdWorld #brexit #truth

Last updated 5 years ago

The is an aggressive country that's via . That's the only way its continuing to have any .

That and -style and .

There's a reason they don't allow Hollywood on the ;)

Have you seen the . The Century of the Self (2002). It could be the last decent thing produced by the .

#us #ThirdWorld #virtueSignalling #hollywood #cultural #dominance #EdwardBernays #indoctrination #fakenews #narratives #stockmarket #documentary #bbc

Last updated 5 years ago

The US are a global disgrace. With and through the roof, rising and declining, one would expect some thought to begin entering policy - but the strike again.

The planet is experiencing a and crisis and yet all the care about is adding more consumers.

growth levels for an aggressive and soon-to-be Third World country.

#healthcareCosts #infrastructureDebt #infantMortality #lifeexpectancy #ChristianRight #population #consumption #BusinessRoundtable #ThirdWorld

Last updated 5 years ago