RT @DrsMeena
To every/any student or parent who needs it, please excuse the bearer from class to advocate for ending gun violence 👇.
And THANK YOU. This is a public health emergency. We are doctors, scientists, parents & we stand w/you.
#FedUp #ThisIsOurLane @MomsDemand @StudentsDemand
RT @DrsMeena
To every/any student or parent who needs it, please excuse the bearer from class to advocate for ending gun violence 👇.
And THANK YOU. This is a public health emergency. We are doctors, scientists, parents & we stand w/you.
#FedUp #ThisIsOurLane @MomsDemand @StudentsDemand
RT @DrEricBall
I watched this morning as they lowered the flags to half staff on the Commerce Building to honor the Nashville shooting victims. This symbolic act appears to be all they will do here in DC in response to gun violence. #AAPAdvocacy #EndGunViolence #ThisIsOurLane
#aapadvocacy #endgunviolence #ThisIsOurLane
RT @halleh13
Fuck this. Again and again. Call em out my friend. Everyone needs to fight like our kids mean more than our guns. Thanks for being there. #Enough #ThisIsOurLane
@IMPACT4HC @IllinoisAllies @drsforamerica @MomsDemand @NewtownAction @bradybuzz @AMarch4OurLives @march_fourth_ https://twitter.com/noliewithbtc/status/1640407152098459668
RT @alejandracasar
Crucial conversations with some of my @APSASurgeons favorite movers and shakers — leading the way to make our communities safer.
@Mcwhmd @peter_masiakos @brittljohn
#SoMe4PedSurg #SoMe4Trauma #InjuryPrevention #ThisIsOurLane https://twitter.com/societyofbas/status/1623137823917211649
#some4pedsurg #some4trauma #injuryprevention #ThisIsOurLane
RT @KaminskiMed@twitter.com
When everybody gets to understand what #WeHelpTheWorldBreath means - The American Thoracic Society calls for a moratorium on use of tear gas/other chemical agents against demonstrators. PROUD TO BE A MEMBER! #BlackLivesMatter
#ThisIsOurLane https://thoracic.org/about/newsroom/press-releases/journal/2020/tear-gas-use-during-covid-19-pandemic-irresponsible-moratorium-needed,-says-american-thoracic-society.php https://twitter.com/atscommunity/status/1271172758303621120
#wehelptheworldbreath #Blacklivesmatter #ThisIsOurLane
I’m so, so tired of the “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” argument.
Funny, all these other places have lots of people and minimal guns and seem not to have this problem.
It’s the guns. #ThisIsOurLane
RT @RealCedricDark@twitter.com
Now this is a good question
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RealCedricDark/status/1616149887980113920
Speak about leadership & advocacy! #OurPatientsNeedOxygen
Kudos @PeterKahnMD@twitter.com & team!
RT @YalePCCSM@twitter.com
Oxygen therapy needs to provided in way that helps patients & laws need to be changed to make this happen says Dr. Kahn @PeterKahnMD@twitter.com) a second year @YalePCCSM@twitter.com fellow & former @YaleIMed@twitter.com resident
(coauthors Anna Kowanko, Susan Jacobs)
#ourpatientsneedoxygen #ThisIsOurLane #COPD #COVID19 #IPF
RT @KaminskiMed@twitter.com
I’m calling on all medical societies @AmerMedicalAssn@twitter.com @American_Heart@twitter.com @PublicHealth@twitter.com @accpchest@twitter.com @LungAssociation@twitter.com @atscommunity@twitter.com @accpchest@twitter.com @SCCM@twitter.com @IDSA@twitter.com @AAMCtoday@twitter.com @ASH_hematology@twitter.com well as @NIHDirector@twitter.com to come out with a strong #ImWithFauci message today
#MakeMuskLose https://twitter.com/kaminskimed/status/1602027225603313665
#imwithfauci #ThisIsOurLane #makemusklose
Calling on all #ASH22 attendees - us non-heme docs ❤️ seeing your tweets - but the owner of the platform just incited against all of us.
Please block him & his cronies.
Make #ImWithFauci trend
#ThisIsOurLane @acweyand@twitter.com @arghavan_salles@twitter.com @Dr_AmerZeidan@twitter.com @ASH_hematology@twitter.com @BenignHeme@twitter.com
#ash22 #imwithfauci #ThisIsOurLane
I’m calling on all medical societies @AmerMedicalAssn@twitter.com @American_Heart@twitter.com @PublicHealth@twitter.com @accpchest@twitter.com @LungAssociation@twitter.com @atscommunity@twitter.com @accpchest@twitter.com @SCCM@twitter.com @IDSA@twitter.com @AAMCtoday@twitter.com @ASH_hematology@twitter.com well as @NIHDirector@twitter.com to come out with a strong #ImWithFauci message today
#imwithfauci #ThisIsOurLane #makemusklose
RT @KrisB_Brown@twitter.com
This week, we supported our friends at @march_fourth_@twitter.com, who brought 60 physicians to D.C. to lobby senators to #PassTheBan on assault weapons.
And we announced our partnership with @ThisIsOurLane@twitter.com to mobilize the medical community.
Join us: http://bradyunited.org/thisisourlane #ThisIsOurLane https://twitter.com/bradybuzz/status/1600883671291944960
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KrisB_Brown/status/1600889883219742721
@DocOhms Every day would be a good day for that to happen. #ThisIsOurLane #GunControl
During visits with adolescent patients, we almost always ask questions about safety (home, school, etc)
I’ve changed the way I ask those questions in light of the regular gun violence at schools.
Because feeling unsafe at school currently is not that atypical. 💔#ThisIsOurLane
The number of gun-related deaths in a country is correlated to the number of guns per 100 people. This correlation holds even if the United States is removed from the data. Correlation does not always = causation. But research that is finally being conducted (20 year delay thanks to the Dickey Amendment), consistently shows that the # of guns is the problem. #ThisIsMyLane #FirearmEpidemic #Enough #ThisIsOurLane #EndGunViolence #PublicHealth #GunSense #Suicide #SuicidePrevention #MomsDemand
#thisismylane #firearmepidemic #Enough #ThisIsOurLane #endgunviolence #publichealth #gunsense #Suicide #SuicidePrevention #MomsDemand
I know correlation does not equal causation. However, where the US lies on this graph of number of firearms vs. number of mass shooters is pretty striking. More evidence that our #gunviolence problem is because of the guns. #thisismylane #momsdemand #firearmepidemic #enough #massshooting #thisisourlane #
#gunviolence #thisismylane #MomsDemand #firearmepidemic #Enough #massshooting #ThisIsOurLane
@sharlamctavish no kidding! Let's do what has been done with automobile safety and do that with with gun safety. #GunSafety #GunFireEpidemic #MomsDemand #BeSMART #ThisisOurLane
#GunSafety #gunfireepidemic #MomsDemand #BeSmart #ThisIsOurLane
@TriageMonkey whoops, left that very important detail out. Wonder why the US is such an outlier on this? Too bad there isn't anything we can do. #MomsDemand #ThisisOurLane