RT @ParisHilton@twitter.com
Tune in tomorrow morning to @GMA@twitter.com ! I’ll be LIVE, talking about my documentary #ThisIsParis, #BreakingCodeSilence and more... You don’t want to miss it. ⚡️
#ThisIsParis #BreakingCodeSilence
#ThisIsParis will i be empathising with the ups and downs of a rich white girl's life?
yes. :eve:
RT @ParisHilton@twitter.com
In #ThisIsParis, I'm taking off the mask. Get to know the real me September 14th on @YouTube@twitter.com
looking cute paris. how's #nik?
RT @ParisHilton@twitter.com
Fun Q&A with @TheSTStyle@twitter.com #ThisIsParis ✨ https://twitter.com/ParisHilton/status/1297687559070392325/video/1