#Thisistheway, #Disney! #IndianaJones 5 Destroyed - The Final Nail In #LucasFilms Coffin
Agreed, #CriticalDrinker! I have neither the patience nor the desire to put up with any more dog shit from this dump. They systematically drag cult into $hit. #StarWars, #Marvel and now #IndianaJones: I guess they won't stop until there's not one stone left upon another.
Pass! Lifetime & money saved!
#ThisIsTheWay #disney #indianajones #lucasfilms #criticaldrinker #starwars #Marvel #indianajonesandthedialofdestiny #indianajones5
I’m glad about this. I thought Howard destroyed it.
When I was at school Year 10, 40 years ago our career teacher told us this is what will happen. If we wanted to go on to higher education we will be behind those who leave in Year 10 but after a certain period it would flip back.
My new catchphrase is "One does not speak unless one knows."
#themandalorian #starwars #ThisIsTheWay
Walk into the supermarket.
Look at the price tags in abject despair.
Walk out of the supermarket.
This is life now.
#ThisIsTheWay #Costoflivingcrisis
18/11/22 Australia
"In the seven days to Wednesday, November 16, Queensland recorded 10,106 new cases of the virus, an increase of more than 73 per cent on the previous week’s figures of 5828 new cases."
#VaccinesPLUS #WearAMask #ThisIsTheWay #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver
Great news!
@dbRaevn has arrived
#COVIDisAirborne #VaccinesPLUS #WearAMask #CovidIsNotOver #ThisIsTheWay
Great news!
Dr Deepti Gurdasani has arrived
#WearAMask #VaccinesPLUS #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #ThisIsTheWay
Great news!
Dr Nancy Baxter has arrived
#COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #WearAMask #VaccinesPLUS #LongCovid #ThisIsTheWay
Masks work
The simplest way you can make yourself, your family, & your community safer is to wear a well-fitted, high-quality mask, such as the N95 pictured here, any time you're indoors in public, or in any crowd.
#CovidIsNotOver #vaccinesplus #wearamask #covidisairborne
#CovidIsNotOver #VaccinesPLUS #WearAMask #COVIDisAirborne #ThisIsTheWay