I am planning to do a session of #ThisWarOfMine the board game. Both the digital and #tabletop version is a favourite of mine, as the impact of the choices can hit you really hard - even if some is left to random chance. I'm hoping for the same from the #Frostpunk board game. #TabletopGames #MeaningfulChoice #ethics
#ThisWarofMine #tabletop #frostpunk #tabletopgames #meaningfulchoice #ethics
I'm impressed how @frostpunkgame@twitter.com managed to include the depression from #thiswarofmine, but toned down the intensity.
I couldn't play TWOM for more than an hour at a time without feeling terrible. but FP still feels like an enjoyable game, not just getting punched in the gut.
In this video we check out the beginning of gameplay of the game This War of Mine: Final Cut, where we make life or death decisions guided by our conscience. We try to protect all the people in our shelter and we also sacrifice some to survive longer.
Visit: https://youtu.be/YSq7ZI7LLiw and check out the gameplay.
The game was released on May 9, 2022 by 11 Bit Studios and developed by the same studio. This video was recorded via Xbox Cloud Gaming on Motorola G100 mobile phone with Razer Kishi gamepad.
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我又带着消费主义陷阱来了,这回是 humble bundle 的乌克兰慈善包,$40 价值 $2562 的 122 款游戏: https://www.humblebundle.com/stand-with-ukraine-bundle
跟上次的 itch.io 相比区别是:
1. 大多数内容可以在 Steam 上 redeem(itch 那个只能本地下载)
2. 跟 itch 侧重 indie 不同,Humble bundle 里除了 indie 还有有很多 2A+ 游戏,大体看了一眼我看着眼熟/玩过/wishilist 了的
- #Back4Blood 前阵子才出的热门射击游戏
- #MetroExdous 地铁:离去。虽然我玩不下去这个游戏但是评价很高一度是很多人当年的 GOTY,有趣的是这个游戏是俄罗斯 studio 做的,侧面反映俄罗斯很多人支持乌克兰,所以请不要国籍歧视!
- #Quantum Break 量子破碎,当年科幻射击大作
- #MaxPayne 3 R 星的马克思佩恩 3 开放世界动作黑帮,缺点是得在 R 星平台领而不是 steam
- #SunsetOverdrive 当年 Xbox One 首发独占,一款很爽的超能力开放世界游戏
- #SlayTheSpire 杀戮尖塔,无需多说素质非常高的时间黑洞卡牌 roguelike,我之前在 switch 上玩的,一直想迁移到 steam 上来着这次绝好机会
- #Fable 神鬼传奇,微软当年奇幻开放世界良心之作,坊间期待良久要出续作活久见
- #SuperHot 我最喜欢的 VR 游戏。之前 itch 也有但是现在可以在 steam redeem
- #ThisWarOfMine 先前已经在各平台坐过好多次乌克兰相关的独立慈善无需多说,比较 depressing 大家量力而行
- #WarGroove 高级战争工作室出的像素风奇幻战棋游戏,我之前也是在 switch 上一直想迁移到 steam 来着
- #Satisfactory 我没玩过但是工业化游戏界(类似 #RimWolrd #戴森球 这种)声誉很高的工厂游戏
- #WizardOfLegend 素质很不错的像素奇幻 roguelite 动作多人合作(也可以单人)游戏,也是在 switch 一直想迁移到 steam 来着
- Yoku‘sIslandExpress Team17(分手厨房工作室)出的双人合作游戏
- 一些素质也不错的 indie: #Pathway #TheLongDark #StarBound #ToothAndTail #KindomTwoCrowns #Inmost
- Razom for Ukraine
- International Rescue Committee
- International Medical Corps
- Direct Relief
(就是感觉晚点会 redeem 到手软)
#Back4Blood #MetroExdous #quantum #MaxPayne #SunsetOverdrive #slaythespire #Fable #SuperHot #ThisWarofMine #WarGroove #satisfactory #RimWolrd #戴森球 #WizardOfLegend #Pathway #TheLongDark #STARBOUND #ToothAndTail #KindomTwoCrowns #Inmost #gaming #deal