White nationalist organizer Richard Spencer has been attempting to re-brand himself in recent months - even appearing on 'No Jumper' recently. But for those paying attention, Spencer has been putting out a stream of white supremacist content via podcasts, books, and articles.
Spencer is also organizing an event in #Dallas, #Texas later this month, and a larger event later in the summer.
Check out our analysis on #ThisWeekInFascism:
#dallas #texas #ThisWeekinFascism
When #PSL tankies told people in #Indiana to listen to cops - many refused and kept protesting gender fascist Michael Knowles in #Indiana.
In #Sacramento, people held the streets against Proud Boys and Hitler saluting neo-Nazis - causing one fascist to hide in a restaurant and call the police for rescue.
In DC, people destroyed a Nazi banner and beat back white supremacists who tried to attack pro-LGBTQ demonstrators.
Don't miss the latest #ThisWeekInFascism roundup: https://itsgoingdown.org/this-week-in-fascism-134/
#psl #indiana #sacramento #ThisWeekinFascism
As neo-Nazis and the Proud Boys double-down on attacks against drag events and #LGBTQ spaces, communities continue to meet them head on in the streets.
Meanwhile, students across the US organize walkouts against anti-LGBTQ bills and disruptions of gender fascist speakers.
Also: Richard Spencer is being branded as "transitioning" away from white nationalism by embracing Joe Biden and "Centrism." In reality, he's just shifting his messaging while continuing to pump out white nationalist content at an increasing rate - while also planning public events in #Dallas, #Texas and beyond.
Check out the new #ThisWeekInFascism:
#lgbtq #dallas #texas #ThisWeekinFascism
In the wake of J6th, many far-Right groups are in chaos, while other newer formations are rushing to fill the void.
In the latest installment of #ThisWeekInFascism, we roundup the growing collection of neo-fascist, white supremacist, and neo-Nazi groups that have been growing over the last few months, as the far-Right mobilizes to attack the #LGBTQ community.
We also look at how antifascists have been pushing back.
On #ThisWeekInFascism, we map out the growing networks of fascist street gangs, online grifters, and GOP lawmakers which are all feeding off of online misinformation and conspiracy theories aimed at attacking LGBTQ+ people and gender affirming health care. Special look at the role of Matt Walsh, inside the far-Right culture at the FBI + roundup of upcoming antifascist actions. https://itsgoingdown.org/this-week-in-fascism-132/
Jesse Lee Peterson, MC of the "Straight Pride" rally in #Modesto tomorrow, whose organizers call LGBTQ people "Satanic," is also currently in the middle of sex scandal, after several of his male followers have come forward. Report on #ThisWeekInFascism: https://itsgoingdown.org/this-week-in-fascism-131/
On #ThisWeekInFascism, #Florida sheriffs working for Dept of Homeland Security, counseled busloads of Trump supporters heading to DC on January 6th on optics, the media + anarchists, who they claimed would attack them with "fire" + infiltrate their groups. https://itsgoingdown.org/this-week-in-fascism-131/
On #ThisWeekInFascism, we track how Proud Boys, neo-Nazis, and Groypers are heeding Republican calls to violence + harassment against LGBTQ people as #PrideMonth kicks off. Check out our roundup of antifascist action, news, and much more. https://itsgoingdown.org/this-week-in-fascism-130/
#ThisWeekinFascism #pridemonth
Clusters of neo-Nazi crews in so-called Canada and the US are attempting to re-organize themselves under the banner of 'White Lives Matter' - find out how people are pushing back on #ThisWeekInFascism. https://itsgoingdown.org/this-week-in-fascism-129/
RT @IGD_News@twitter.com
On #ThisWeekInFascism, neo-Nazis re-organize under the "White Lives Matter" banner as communities push back; California WLM leader exposed as Proud Boy; we talk to @VPS_Reports@twitter.com on how the far-Right is rebranding anti-LGBTQ hate around the 'groomer' panic. https://itsgoingdown.org/this-week-in-fascism-129/
#ThisWeekinFascism #sophiescholl
Check out the brand new #ThisWeekInFascism column! https://itsgoingdown.org/this-week-in-fascism-95-greene-around-the-gills/
"Dearest Comrades! Let me introduce our latest installment of #ThisWeekinFascism on @igd_news!
Proud Boys call to “Exterminate” their enemies, MyMilitia folks get doxxed, California Highway Patrol forcibly evicts families on Thanksgiving & more.
On #ThisWeekinFascism, far-Right rushes to blame "BLM & ANTIFA" for attack on motorist despite contradicting statements from police + girlfriend of man hospitalized, far-Right opens fire + bomb attacks in #Portland, + militia attempts to threaten witness.