"Great pains have been taken to prevent the mass of mankind from interfering in political pursuits; force, and argument, and wit, and ridicule, and invective, have been used by the governing party, and with such success, that any of the lower, or even middle rank of society who engage in politics, have been, and are, considered not only as ridiculous, but in some degree culpable"
#ThomasRussell (1796) A letter to the people of Ireland
#ThomasRussell, radical and founder of #UnitedIrishmen was born #OTD 21 Nov 1767 in Dromahane, Mallow, Co. #Cork. Librarian in #Linenhall, charismatic figure, advocate of Catholic Emancipation & right of all including poor to participate in politics. Imprisoned 1796 to 1802, in Paris called to return to assist Emmet setting up 1803 Rising. Arrested & executed 21 Oct 1803 in #Downpatrick. Remembered in "The Man from God Knows Where".
Images - wiki
#ThomasRussell #UnitedIrishmen #otd #cork #linenhall #downpatrick #IrishPhilosophyOTD
Tone did not start out as a rebel. His friend #ThomasRussell had asked Tone to suggest some resolutions for consideration at a Volunteer parade in Belfast on Bastille day, 14 July 1791.
Tone produced these:
"1st. That English influence in Ireland was the great grievance of the country.
2nd. That the most effectual way to oppose it was by a reform in parliament.
3rd. That no reform could be just or efficacious which did not include the catholics."
#ThomasRussell #toleration #volunteermovement
#ThomasRussell #UnitedIrishman was a radical:
"He accused [the aristocracy] of using their powers and privileges to frustrate the divine plan of liberty and justice for all, and contended that all men have not only the right, but indeed the duty, to concern themselves with government and politics. Only if legislation seeks to serve ‘the whole family of mankind’ [...] can there be some hope that it will reflect the natural justice ordained by God."
#ThomasRussell #UnitedIrishman #irishphilosophy