Burkino Faso and The Politics of Ibrahim Traoré
#BurkinaFaso #IbrahimTraore #ThomasSankara
#burkinafaso #ibrahimtraore #ThomasSankara
Sankara and Sawadogo: Agroecology and Revolution
#Sankara #ThomasSankara #Agroecology #Revolution #Africa #africa
#sankara #ThomasSankara #agroecology #Revolution #africa
RT @ProgIntl@twitter.com
The Internationalist's Special Issue features this historic speech by #ThomasSankara, for the first time in English. Out this week, sign up to get it in your inbox! http://bit.ly/3zTnX3O
RT @ProgIntl@twitter.com
#ThomasSankara's 1983 NAM speech in Delhi remains relevant today, echoing his call for peace, independence, & democratization of international relations. "We no longer want the old economic order... organised around the one-way exchange."
RT @rosaluxstiftung
Am 21. Dezember 1949 wird in Obervolta #ThomasSankara geboren. #AndiesemTag
#ThomasSankara #burkinafaso #CNR #RevolutionAfricaine #workingclasshero
Un homme d'exception et en même temps, un homme simple, simplement.
#ThomasSankara #burkinafaso #cnr #RevolutionAfricaine #workingclasshero
Caso Sankara y compañeros: un proceso saludable llega a término… http://loquesomos.org/caso-sankara-y-companeros-un-proceso-saludable-llega-a-termino/ #AfricaSubsahariana #BurkinaFaso #panafricanismo #ThomasSankara
#AfricaSubsahariana #burkinafaso #panafricanismo #ThomasSankara