The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (#CFPB) "plans…aggressive oversight of…#data brokers that compile and sell data on millions of Americans."
"In February, a coalition of consumer advocate groups… ask[ed] the agency to use existing federal laws to 'rein in widespread harmful behavior' by the industry, citing companies like #RELX…& #ThomsonReuters…as 'occupying the top of the personal-data food chain' and in need of stricter oversight."
#surveillance #elsevier #ThomsonReuters #relx #data #CFPB
And we all know which suppliers support Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
And we all know which suppliers support Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
Finder’s Experts Predict Bitcoin Will End the Year at $21K, Panel Expects BTC to Hit $79K by 2025
#Finder’sexpertpredictions #CoinsmartFinancialCEO #Finder'sforecasts #Finder'spanelists #JosephRaczynski #bitcoinreserve #BTCfutureprice #JustinHartzman #ThomsonReuters #Bitcoin(BTC) #BitcoinPrice #OmniaMarkets #NikOraevsky #Predictions #Flippening #MiteshShah #Forecasts
#Finder #CoinsmartFinancialCEO #JosephRaczynski #BitcoinReserve #BTCfutureprice #JustinHartzman #ThomsonReuters #bitcoin #bitcoinprice #OmniaMarkets #NikOraevsky #predictions #flippening #MiteshShah #Forecasts
Finder’s Specialists Predict Ethereum Will Slip to $963 This Year, but End 2022 at $1,377 per Unit
#ethereumlong-termpredictions #monopolizestakingvalidators #finderethereumpredictions #finderpanelofexperts #ethereumpredictions #stakingvalidators #MarketsandPrices #BostonTradingCo. #Finder'sethereum #JosephRaczynski #ethpredictions #ThomsonReuters #EthereumMerge #Finder
#ethereumlong #monopolizestakingvalidators #finderethereumpredictions #finderpanelofexperts #ethereumpredictions #stakingvalidators #MarketsandPrices #BostonTradingCo #Finder #JosephRaczynski #ethpredictions #ThomsonReuters #EthereumMerge
“It’s absolutely clear that in our major news organizations, people are not discussing these issues openly. They can’t afford to. They’ll be fired." #ThomsonReuters #fakenews #leftwingbias
#leftwingbias #fakenews #ThomsonReuters
“It’s absolutely clear that in our major news organizations, people are not discussing these issues openly. They can’t afford to. They’ll be fired." #ThomsonReuters #fakenews #leftwingbias
#leftwingbias #fakenews #ThomsonReuters
“It’s absolutely clear that in our major news organizations, people are not discussing these issues openly. They can’t afford to. They’ll be fired."
#leftwingbias #fakenews #ThomsonReuters
Das sind die 50 größten Verlage der Welt #SpringerNature #ThomsonReuters #WasmitBüchern #HachetteLivre #HarperCollins #WoltersKluwer #ReedElsevier #Bertelsmann #Scholastic #Pearson #Wiley
#springernature #ThomsonReuters #wasmitbüchern #HachetteLivre #HarperCollins #wolterskluwer #ReedElsevier #bertelsmann #Scholastic #Pearson #wiley