[1988] Alan Bennett's Talking Heads - "A Cream Cracker Under the Settee", when Doris suffers a fall after trying to clear up after her home help, it becomes apparent that her constant nagging may have been responsible for her husband's early death. Starring Thora Hird.
#OldBritishTelly #AlanBennett #ThoraHird
WENT THE DAY WELL? #British #films #oldmovies #wartime #WWII I An English village in the south is invaded by enemy paratroopers—and fights back with shockingly frank violence. When I saw this movie for the first time last year on Criterion, it gave me the goosebumps. Land girls #ThoraHird (her first movie) and Elizabeth Allan take excellent aim against their would-be German conquerors. Complete movie: https://bit.ly/3Em9XRL
#british #films #oldmovies #wartime #wwii #ThoraHird