Paul Rohr · @pevohr
90 followers · 1296 posts · Server

Currently looping back to my favorite + wondering whether anyone would preemptively defederate if a huge interest-based community announced they were moving here:

For example, what might it look like if + 1% of her most committed, hardcore fans migrated off Twitter to an official AP site she hosted?

Do we have the cultural + technological resilience to cope well with this? If not, why?

#ThoughtExperiment #taylorswift

Last updated 1 year ago

Paul Rohr · @pevohr
90 followers · 1296 posts · Server

Currently looping back to my favorite + wondering whether anyone would preemptively defederate if a huge interest-based community announced they were moving here:

For example, what might it look like if + 1% of her most committed, hardcore fans migrated off Twitter to an official AP site she hosted?

Do we have the cultural + technological resilience to cope well with this? If not, why?

#ThoughtExperiment #taylorswift

Last updated 1 year ago

· @dasgrueneblatt
337 followers · 5179 posts · Server
Jim Donegan ✅ · @jimdonegan
1481 followers · 4259 posts · Server
maethows · @maethows
6 followers · 47 posts · Server

Every story that features alien species invading our planet(s) for resources or entertainment without thought or consideration for the lives of humans can be viewed as a warning for . They are a warning that WE will be the violent alien species. They are a warning of humanity's potential and an attempt to help us empathize with the intelligent species we may encounter. They leave us with a question: What must we do to avoid this fate?

#empathy #ethics #ThoughtExperiment #Humanity #sciencefiction

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Donegan ✅ · @jimdonegan
1433 followers · 4099 posts · Server
Paul Rohr · @pevohr
31 followers · 227 posts · Server

@futurebird To be clear, this 🧵 is just a . Currently,

- client UXs definitely aren't polished enough for this userbase,

- backends (+ possibly protocols) aren't necessarily up to the load that could be imposed by 900K of TS's most ardent fans, +

- it's unclear what kind of budget she might have to throw at such a thing.

However, anyone taking seriously the promise of a truly robust should keep this in mind as a design target.

#ThoughtExperiment #fediverse

Last updated 2 years ago

Chad Schultz · @chad
22 followers · 55 posts · Server

How would time travel work in a simulated universe? REW/FF wouldn't work, too much strain + infinite loops. Only way would be to fake it. Mini-simulation for the traveler. Apply changes to the broader simulation. Takes steps to minimize such changes. If discrepencies are later found, make on the fly adjustments as needed. Funnily enough, this would look like time travel in movies, e.g. Back to the Future.


Last updated 2 years ago

Ishmael Lasting · @ishmaellasting
49 followers · 72 posts · Server

I find it difficult to picture in a business suit, even though I have seen photographs of Elon Musk in a business suit. And yet I find it alarmingly easy to imagine him dressed as a Carnival Barker, Big Game Hunter or Confederate General. Isn't it strange how the mind works(!)

#elonmusk #ThoughtExperiment

Last updated 2 years ago

© · @coryniday
62 followers · 238 posts · Server

In , Schrödinger's cat is a thought that illustrates a of . In the , a hypothetical cat may be considered simultaneously both alive and dead as a result of its fate being linked to a random event that may or may not occur.

#quantummechanics #SchrodingerScat #Subatomic #ThoughtExperiment #superposition #paradox #experiment #mechanics #quantum

Last updated 2 years ago

Wendy Kheiry · @dandeliontwine
93 followers · 197 posts · Server

What is the differential between artificial vacuum and that of space?

If you have two vacuum boxes with suspended objects - a ball in one, a feather in the other - inside while in space - completely outside the atmosphere, open the box
1) a single pane
2) all 6 sides release at once
3) 2 panes which share a side
3) 2 opposite panes
4) 3 panes
(Assuming a 6 sided container)
What happens to the object? Does it move? Does it remain still? What acts upon it if it moves?


Last updated 2 years ago