Two shots of a neighborhood Curve-Billed Thrasher.
#birding #photography #Thrashers #birdphotography #tucson
#BelieveInBlueland #Thrashers #AtlantaHockey #echl #nhl
Got our tickets for the Gladiators Believe In Blueland night 👀 second row, on the blue line
#AtlantaGladiators #AtlantaHockey #BelieveInBlueland #Thrashers
#AtlantaGladiators #AtlantaHockey #BelieveInBlueland #Thrashers
#ThrashMetal is trending on the other social media site.
What are you top 5 albums if you had to make a rushed decision?
#Slayer - South of Heaven
#Metallica - …And Justice For All
#Megadeth - Rust In Peace
#MachineHead - Burn My Eyes
#BullRiffStampede - Scatter The Ground (yeah, very little known but an absolute banger of an album)
#Metal #Thrashers
#thrashmetal #slayer #metallica #megadeth #machinehead #bullriffstampede #metal #Thrashers
#ThrashMetal is trending on the other social media site.
What are you top 5 albums if you had to make a rushed decision?
#Slayer - South of Heaven
#Metallica - …And Justice For All
#Megadeth - Rust In Peace
#Machine Head - Burn My Eyes
#Bull-RiffStampede - Scatter The Ground (yeah, very little known but an absolute banger of an album)
#Metal #Thrashers
#thrashmetal #slayer #metallica #megadeth #machine #bull #metal #Thrashers
#ThrashMetal is trending on the other social media site.
What are you top 5 albums if you had to make a rushed decision?
#Slayer - South of Heaven
#Metallica - …And Justice For All
#Megadeth - Rust In Peace
#Machine Head - Burn My Eyes
Bull-Riff Stampede - Scatter The Ground (yeah, very little known but an absolute banger of an album)
#Metal #Thrashers
#thrashmetal #slayer #metallica #megadeth #machine #metal #Thrashers