RT Themis Christophidou
A #Throwback to the #EuropeanTheatreForum 2023: insights to reflect upon and future-shaping discussions on the #TheatreEU to continue. 🎭
Have a look at the wrap up video or watch the Forum's recording👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ChristophidouEU/status/1688814818579398657
#Throwback #EuropeanTheatreForum #TheatreEU
#Throwback to discussions that took place in June at @UNODC_AC event in Vienna on safeguarding sport from corruption with a focus on #SouthAsia.
The event was the last of a workshop series part of an EU-funded project.
Together, we are #UnitedAgainstCorruption in sport.
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UNODC Anti-Corruption and Economic Crime: Special thanks to our partners & participants for their contributions to safeguarding sport from corruption in #SouthAsia.
This would not be possible without the support of:
@EuSport 🇪🇺
@ICC 🏏
Together, we are #UnitedAgainstCorruption in sport.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EuSport/status/1684550848766963712
#Throwback #SouthAsia #UnitedAgainstCorruption
#Throwback. Anfang Juni habe ich im #uhleblog lang und breit aufgeschrieben, wieso man manchmal besser die Klappe hält. Und erzählt mir jetzt nix von #Maulkorb
#Throwback #uhleblog #maulkorb
#Throwback. Wie zum Teufel finde ich raus, wie lang mein #Windows #Passwort noch gültig ist? Im März 2020 schrieb ich dazu eine Art #anleitung in den #uhleblog
#Throwback #windows #Passwort #anleitung #uhleblog
Kao da je bilo jučer! Taj osjećaj ugledati našu zastavu nakon svih godina pregovora, u nekim trenucima se činilo nemogućim. Kao u svemu uspjeli smo i u tom važnom procesu. Još malo fotografija tog posebnog dana ⬇️ https://n.respublicae.eu/dubravkasuica/status/1675520309686837248 https://t.co/XzVGC90XDN
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Dubravka Suica: #throwback to when the first 🇭🇷 delegation joined the @europarl_en !
#CroatiaEU #EuropeanParliament #10YearsStrong https://t.co/dm1r6CgyhN
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MaleticIvana/status/1675597535371567104
#Throwback #CroatiaEU #EuropeanParliament #10YearsStrong
#throwback to when the first 🇭🇷 delegation joined the @europarl_en !
#CroatiaEU #EuropeanParliament #10YearsStrong https://t.co/dm1r6CgyhN
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/dubravkasuica/status/1675520309686837248
#Throwback #CroatiaEU #EuropeanParliament #10YearsStrong
RT Oliver Röpke
#Throwback to a rich debate on #ElectricityMarket reform during this month's #EESCPlenary.
We must adapt the market design to the new reality & empower consumers further, ensuring an affordable, sustainable, and secure energy supply for all.
Check out the highlights. 👇 https://t.co/bBCdsLtNL5
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EESC_President/status/1671508046852374528
#Throwback #ElectricityMarket #EESCplenary
RT Oliver Röpke
#Throwback to last week's #EESCPlenary debate on #Youth & the #LabourMarket.
We must ensure equal treatment for young people in employment and working conditions, wages, social security, as well as provide good quality traineeships and internships!
Highlights👇 https://t.co/toymEEzudD
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EESC_President/status/1671782656231571458
#Throwback #EESCplenary #youth #labourmarket #ForYouthRights
#Throwback: Wenn du wissen willst, wie lang dein #Passwort in #Windows noch gültig ist, hab ich vor reichlich 3 Jahren was in den #uhleblog geworfen. https://www.henning-uhle.eu/informatik/windows-passwortalter-herausfinden-wie-geht-das
#Throwback #Passwort #windows #uhleblog
#Throwback to the 2023 European Consumer Summit that took place on 28 March in Brussels.
Interested in the main takeaways of this event on #ConsumerProtection, product safety, and sustainable consumption?
Check out our report ⤵️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/dreynders/status/1662086486261366784
#Throwback #ConsumerProtection
#Throwback to when @PantiBliss graced us with her presence for a #Eurovision2023 Trivia Party! And @niamhkavanagh93's voice has us spellbound!
Thanks for the memories @DeanArtstudio @ItsConorBehan @DonalMulligan @thisispopbaby 😘 #ThrowbackThursday #EuropeDay #europeday2023
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPinIreland/status/1661718450367078401
#Throwback #Eurovision2023 #THROWBACKTHURSDAY #EuropeDay #EuropeDay2023
🇪🇺 in #SriLanka marked Europe Day on 9 May with a reception for all partners & pledged to further strengthen collaboration and partnership with 🇱🇰 to promote #peace, #democracy, and #humanrights, #greentransition & to create a better future for all.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_in_Sri_Lanka/status/1658689079297609729
#Throwback #EuropeDay2023 #SriLanka #peace #Democracy #humanrights #GreenTransition
RT @Klitschko: If you stand still, you will fall behind. If you fall behind, you will be knocked out! 👊
I understood this lesson early on. #throwback
FACE your challenge
#FaceTheChallenge #TeamKlitschko #Klitschko https://t.co/RWOVZjAEpk
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MilanZver/status/1650908388665049092
#Throwback #FaceTheChallenge #TeamKlitschko #Klitschko
RT @EPIreland_Edu: Still on a high from last week's #EPAStogether event in #Cyprus! 💙🇪🇺☀️
3 schools did a brilliant job of representing #Ireland:
@stjosephsrush @StColumbasStran @colaiste
#ThrowbackThursday #Throwback #EPAmbassadorschools #EPASIreland
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EPinIreland/status/1649073780910686212
#EPAStogether #Cyprus #Ireland #THROWBACKTHURSDAY #Throwback #EPAmbassadorSchools #EPASIreland
#Throwback European Framework Programme for R&I - #InnovationFund Synergies Workshop
Did you miss the event? Don't forget to check the 🎥 and 📊, and the answered Q&A during the event 👇👇
#H2020 #HorizonEU #EUGreenDeal #synergies
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/cinea_eu/status/1635223224475848706
#Throwback #InnovationFund #H2020 #HorizonEU #EUGreenDeal #synergies
RT @EC_HERA: #Throwback to the #HERA1Year conference in December.
Check out the video for souvenirs of the day, as well as some key takes.
Part deux coming soon 😉🥳
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EMA_News/status/1625067566249963520
#Throwback Bügermeisterwahlkampf 2014:
Ein unglaublich engagierter Innenminister kommt nach Südniedersachsen.
Seine offene & faire Art auch überparteiliches Interesse & Unterstützung zu zeigen hat mich sehr beeindruckt.
⚡️Viel Erfolg und herzlichen Glückwunsch @PistoriusDE
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ViolavonCramon/status/1616007174966370305
Wishing a new year of discoveries to everyone! 🎆
A celebratory #throwback with the posters from Lawrence and Kniss, that managed to show how science works in two posters. Kudos to them.
RT @CEFTA_: #Throwback to two weeks ago➡️#Customs administrations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Montenegro signed MoUs, further expending the #CEFTA - @EUWB6_TCT #GreenCorridors with the #EU.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eu_near/status/1606347253756485634
#Throwback #Customs #CEFTA #GreenCorridors #EU
#Throwback to #EuroVillagePK few weeks ago! Thousands of residents of the twin cities joined us to celebrate 🎉 60 years of 🇪🇺🇵🇰 Dosti and experienced flavours of European food, culture and 🎸music, and cherished the spirit of 'Unity in Diversity'.
#StrongerTogether @RKionka
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUPakistan/status/1605085576155529218
#Throwback #EuroVillagePK #StrongerTogether