Dw i ddim wedi bod yng Nghaerleon ers tipyn. Tynnais i'r llun 'ma o ddarnau arian yn yr amgueddfa yn 2010. Mae'r darnau arian yn dyddio'n ôl i'r oes Rufeinig, tua A.D. 160.
I haven't been in Caerleon for a while. I took this picture of coins in the museum in 2010. The coins date back to Roman times, around AD. 160.
Dw i newydd bostio'r llun 'ma o "loose change" mewn grŵp i'u thema wythnosol sy'n "Loose". Dw i ddim yn gwybod y term cywir yn Gymraeg, ond dim ots. Mae'r ffotograff yn 10 mlynedd oed a phopeth yn ddi-cyswllt rŵan.
I have just posted this picture of "loose change" in a group for their weekly theme which is "Loose". I don't know the correct term in Welsh, but it doesn't matter. The photograph is 10 years old and everything is out of touch now.
And another #ThrowbackThursday because I can. This was in a church somewhere in deepest Hertfordshire.
Now, this might look like just a doughnut to you, but this was taken when I last saw @ygathgoch, and we (and a bunch of other friends) went in search of a doughnut shop in Manchester run by a Welsh speaker from Dolgellau. We caused much confusion by speaking Welsh (and in particular by Y Gath Goch saying she was from New Zealand, in Welsh).
#ThrowbackThursday #knitting I made this for DH almost 30 years ago when we first got together ❤️
It's been nibbled in a couple of places but he lives in it all winter, it is still crisp and it washes beautifully.
The yarn is some unbranded 'Aran' that came from a friend of my parents who worked in the carpet mills in Huddersfield and cost me £5.
The pattern is a Sirdar leaflet from the 80s
#ThrowbackThursday #Cat #CatsOfMastodon #Marmite 4 years ago and today. Still as elegant as ever.
#ThrowbackThursday #cat #CatsOfMastodon #Marmite
To be honest, my relationship to cricket is best described by the link I shared this morning - I find the commentary quite entertaining, but the details mostly go right over my head.
But, once there was a time when I listened enough to actually go to one day of a test match to see the game in action. This was the 2014 England v India test at Old Trafford (when Stuart Broad got whacked in the face by a ball.) I think this was at the end of the game - England won.
Two and a half minutes or so of dusk on the Gower, with new-ish moon and bats flying here and there. If you need a bit of calm, watch this (unless you don't like bats.)
Seen one day on the walk to work. Mumma duck was doing a good job of keeping her babies safe and warm.
#ThrowbackThursday with some bonus #Asstodon content.
I think Wonky and friend had had an argument just before this photo was taken, and they were pretending that everything was fine, really. Or possibly they were fed up with the strange woman who kept on coming out to take photos. One of the two anyway.
#ThrowbackThursday to the time I ordered a beanie online and this arrived instead, so I looked like I was in an noisecore/aggrotech band.
7 years ago I went to Edinburgh for a conference, and while I was there I got the opportunity to see Martin Carthy in a tiny folk club. I was sat on the second or third row, and it was a great experience.
#ThrowbackThursday to when I took a #FigureDrawing class in 2017. Wish I could have stuck with it! I miss you, Delaplaine Center for the Arts! #Frederick #MD
#ThrowbackThursday #figuredrawing #Frederick #md
Lol I think this was around 2006 again. I would have been at uni and needed a costume at short notice for my mates birthday. #ThrowbackThursday
Och wat wor dat fröher schön doch en Colonia! 🥰
Den Ort werden sicher viele von euch erkennen, aber was meint ihr, in welchem Jahr die Fotos geknipst wurden? 🤔
#TBT #Throwback #ThrowbackThursday
#tbt #throwback #ThrowbackThursday
Ich, 1984 als junger, fröhlicher, 33 jähriger Umweltaktivist, BUND Kreisvorstand und GRÜNEM Multifunktionär.
"Ja, ja, ja der Kindheit froh und unschuldige Spiele": Gren in Kalle Blomquist
5 Jahre später, als Angestellter in einem staatlichen Forstamt (Waldschadenkataster) hab ich alles, Politik, Umweltschutz, Forstamt, wegen erwiesener Sinnlosigkeit hingeschmissen und bin in die IT gewechselt.