#Thurds “You don’t have to follow it exactly. If you stick to the main paths, you’ll be all right. If you get thirsty, these buildings with the little wave markings are the water distribution centers. Oh, and this area right here, south of the western health center? You might want to stay out of that.”
The dustbin of history filled up. Many had been consigned there, but no one bothered to take out out the trash of the past. The more embarrassing pieces struggled toward the edge, placing themselves in position to tumble over the side and fall back into the world.
#vss365 #thurds
“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade,” they said.
And so they did, but there were too many lemons, and too much lemonade. Supply exceeded demand, and all the lemonade stands closed. Things were worse than before.
“When life gives you lemons,” they said…”
It wasn’t just the slightly deranged smile that made him look like a maniac. The sheen of sweat on his brow and the gleam in his eyes weren’t helping.
Still. That crazed energy of his was infectious- making her believe anything really was possible.
Above them, the moon was a knife-sharp sliver in the dark sky, balancing on a point that looked like it might sweep down like a scythe at any moment. Danger.
Was there really any difference?
#vss365 #thurds
“You are the man responsible for the death of my father. You have a long way to go before you earn my respect.”
The #Thurds prompt on Twitter today is 'way'. An unpromising marriage with a hostile wife is just one of the problems for Siward of Gloucester in the aftermath of 1066.
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#HistoricalFiction #bookcommunity #bookdon #medieval #1066 #kindlecountdown #bargains
#christmasgift #way #anglosaxon #book #ebooks #paperback #kindleunlimited #romance
#Thurds #historicalfiction #bookcommunity #bookdon #medieval #kindlecountdown #bargains #christmasgift #way #anglosaxon #book #ebooks #paperback #kindleunlimited #romance
They crawled through the grasping fingers of the brambles, uncaring as their clothes tore.
On the other side, she kicked off her shoes and waded into the creek to hunt tadpoles. The cold of the water sank into her with a dull ache.
“Tell me lies,” the boy called out.
She glanced back at him, fingers already numb. He sat on the bank with his knees drawn up to his body, face serious in a way a child their age seldom was.
“There was a pirate-“
“No. That’s boring.”
The further they were from the boats, the more nervous Ari became. His bad feeling about this raid only increased as the grey first light streaked with pink. Soon the sun would glint on their weaponry, proclaiming their arrival as obviously as the beacons burning on the hilltops.
#thurds game from Twitter - word prompt #bad
An extract from my #ghostly #historicalfiction Call of the Viking Dead
#comingsoon #bookdon #historydon #indieauthor #Viking #mysteriouslymedieval #writingcommunity
#Thurds #bad #ghostly #historicalfiction #comingsoon #bookdon #historydon #indieauthor #viking #mysteriouslymedieval #writingcommunity
Over on Twitter I enjoy playing writer games such as #Thurds, #SciFiFri, #WriterlyWipChat, and #WritingQ but so far I have not been able to find anything equivalent here on Mastodon. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
#WritingQ #WriterlyWipChat #scififri #Thurds