This pleasant surprise arrived in the post yesterday - a copy of The Quickening by Elizabeth Rush, in which she draws on her experiences on the 2019 International #ThwaitesGlacier Collaboration research cruise #NBP1902 on RV Nathaniel B Palmer. Looking forward to reading this.
We’ve made a lot of progress in understanding #ThwaitesGlacier change but it still remains the biggest uncertainty in predicting future sea-level rise.
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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
Ground beneath #ThwaitesGlacier mapped for first time @BAS_News @ScienceAdvances
Four sections of a piston core collected near #ThwaitesGlacier, #Antarctica on the XYZ scanner at Oregon State University Marine and Geology Repository today. The yellow item of equipment on the scanning assembly is a "hand-held" X-ray fluorescence device that measures the concentrations of a range of elements in the sediment.
RT @cthulhcc
Genießen Sie das Upgrade von 2022 auf 2023. Mit besonderen Highlights wie:
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#earthquaketurkeysyria #xbb15 #H5N1 #chinesespyballon #ufos #cyclonegabrielle #ohiochemicaldisaster #ThwaitesGlacier
Good news/Bad news?
'While warmer water circulates under the shelf, they found less melting than expected under those higher temperatures; a layer of fresh water was insulating against further losses.'
'But images the underwater robot Icefin gathered for US Antarctic programme as part of the same joint survey showed that things were often far more complex.'
"Warm water is getting into the weak spots and making them even weaker," said Dr Schmidt."
Good news/Bad news?
'While warmer water circulates under the shelf, they found less melting than expected under those higher temperatures; a layer of fresh water was insulating against further losses.'
'But images the underwater robot Icefin gathered for US Antarctic programme as part of the same joint survey showed that things were often far more complex.'
"Warm water is getting into the weak spots and making them even weaker," said Dr Schmidt."
Good news/Bad news?
'While warmer water circulates under the shelf, they found less melting than expected under those higher temperatures; a layer of fresh water was insulating against further losses.'
'But images the underwater robot Icefin gathered for US Antarctic programme as part of the same joint survey showed that things were often far more complex.'
"Warm water is getting into the weak spots and making them even weaker," said Dr Schmidt."
Good news/Bad news?
'While warmer water circulates under the shelf, they found less melting than expected under those higher temperatures; a layer of fresh water was insulating against further losses.'
'But images the underwater robot Icefin gathered for US Antarctic programme as part of the same joint survey showed that things were often far more complex.'
"Warm water is getting into the weak spots and making them even weaker," said Dr Schmidt."
Good news/Bad news?
'While warmer water circulates under the shelf, they found less melting than expected under those higher temperatures; a layer of fresh water was insulating against further losses.'
'But images the underwater robot Icefin gathered for US Antarctic programme as part of the same joint survey showed that things were often far more complex.'
"Warm water is getting into the weak spots and making them even weaker," said Dr Schmidt."
RT @GlacierThwaites
New results give an unexpected view of melting under #ThwaitesGlacier, one of the fastest-changing areas in Antarctica.
Our scientists say melting isn’t even or as fast as feared – but is still rapid in cracks and crevasses.
A thorough overview of the ideas behind #WAIS collapse from the late and much missed #DavidVaughan who sadly died last week.
Appropriate given latest work on #ThwaitesGlacier which David was also UK #Science lead on
"West #Antarctic Ice Sheet Collapse, the fall and rise of a paradigm"
Cc @kim
#antarctica #Antarctic #science #ThwaitesGlacier #davidvaughan #WAIS
Der Winter. Die Erkenntnis von Wissenschaftler:innen, dass in der Antarktis ein riesiger Gletscher, der #ThwaitesGlacier oder #DoomsdayGlacier, demnächst abbrechen und den Meeresspiegel um 65 cm erhöhen wird, löst große Angst aus – bis er wieder vergessen ist. Mehr zu lesen bei:
Der Frühling. Durch die tödliche Dürre im Horn von Afrika kommt es zu entsetzlichen Hungerleiden von Millionen von Menschen.
Bis 2070 könnten 30% des Planeten zu Todeszonen werden. Das wird bis zu 3,5 Milliarden Menschen treffen.
#ThwaitesGlacier #doomsdayglacier
The Eiffel Tower is 330m tall. Along the grounding line of #ThwaitesGlacier, the point at which it goes afloat on the ocean, the ice thickness is more than twice that.
Extraordinary + vivid account of #fieldwork to visit #ThwaitesGlacier in #antarctica in #NewYorker.
I've not visited the continent (yet), but so much is familiar from #Arctic #Fieldwork : equipment that doesn't quite work, creative problem-solving, sea sickness, an environment that "was doomed on its own timescale, yet seemed ancient and eternal", the #InternationalCollaborations in #research.
Mostly though *I can't wait* to see the data that's been collected..
#research #internationalcollaborations #arctic #newyorker #antarctica #ThwaitesGlacier #fieldwork
An extraordinary and vivid account of #fieldwork to visit #ThwaitesGlacier in #antarctica in #NewYorker magazine.
I've not visited that continent (yet), but so much is familiar from #Arctic #Fieldwork : equipment that doesn't quite work in the field, creative problem-solving, sea sickness and the collaborative international nature of the assembled research community.
Mostly though *I can't wait* to see the data thatybeen collected..
#arctic #newyorker #antarctica #ThwaitesGlacier #fieldwork
The article includes quotes from
, First Nations indigenous artist
, my
colleague Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand and myself, and the far-reaching effects of ice loss from #ThwaitesGlacier are a central theme.
"Seafloor Reveals a Period of Rapid Retreat for Thwaites Glacier
New high-resolution seafloor imagery shows a series of delicate ridges produced by the glacier’s front as it bobbed daily with the tides, revealing a recent period of rapid retreat."
#climatechange #antarctic #ThwaitesGlacier
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Originally posted by /
New seafloor images off the West Antarctic Ice Sheet upend understanding of #ThwaitesGlacier retreat @NatureGeosci