täglich 20.45 Uhr in der Originalversion mit Untertitel bei uns im Lichtspielhaus.
#pearl #TiWest #MiaGoth #davidcorenswet #tylerbates #a24
täglich 20.45 Uhr in der Originalversion mit Untertitel bei uns im Lichtspielhaus.
#pearl #TiWest #MiaGoth #davidcorenswet #tylerbates #a24
Inspiring filmmakers:
#ChristopherNolan #jamescameron #eliroth #TiWest #chloezhao #michaelmann #StanleyKubrick #zacksnyder #TakeshiKitano #KathrynBigelow #Lovefilm #SupportCinema
PEARL was great! Perhaps slightly preferred it to X, such a great performance from Mia Goth. Campy horror goodness. Glad I waited to see it on the big screen.
#horrorfam #pearl #TiWest #filmastodon #cinemastodon
Finally here in the UK, and bloody great it is too.
#review #MovieReview #blog #blogger #pearl #TiWest #MiaGoth #cinema #film #movies #filmastodon #cinemastodon #mastomovies #horror
#review #moviereview #blog #blogger #pearl #TiWest #MiaGoth #cinema #film #movies #filmastodon #cinemastodon #mastomovies #horror
Here is a concept teaser poster for Ti West's third and final chapter of the X trilogy, "MaXXXine". I love Mia and cannot wait to watch this movie that, in Mia's words, seems to be the best of the three! #posterdesign #tiwest #miagoth #x #keyart #a24 #freelancer #teaserposter
#teaserposter #freelancer #a24 #keyart #x #MiaGoth #TiWest #posterdesign
#FilmMastodon: If like me you have booked the #Cineworld Cinemas #UnlimitedScreening of #PearlMovie on the 13th of March, you may be interested to know that this is a prequel to #TiWest's "X" that came out last year. If you haven't seen "X" and you have Amazon #PrimeVideo you can watch it there before seeing Pearl.
#FilmMastodon #Cineworld #unlimitedscreening #pearlmovie #TiWest #primevideo
I finally watched X (2022)...and wow. So far each film in the trilogy is something special. Building and adding not just to the lore, but to a statement about time, opportunity, and fame. I'm looking forward to seeing where Ti West takes it later this year in MAXXXINE. #horror #TiWest #slasher
I consider Ti West's X trilogy to be the most interesting mainstream horror series in recent years. Therefore, I'm very excited about part 3:
MaxXxine :pensive_party_blob:
#TiWest #maxxxine #pearl #x #horrorfam #horrorfamily #cinemastodon #miagoth
The Inkeepers was very entertaining. I always love watching Sara Paxton on screen, she's very pretty.
The House of the Dead had a great soundtrack. It played two of those favorite 80s songs One thing leads to another by The Fixx and The breakup song by The Greg Kihn band.
I don't know how Ti West replicates that retro feeling so very well.
On the other hand, his entry at V/H/S was not that memorable for me.
Ti West + Mia Goth = Dynamite Duo!!
Another movie with those two, we've got X, then Pearl and now MaxXxine.
Mia Goth says this is the better script of the three. Let's wait and see.
I have really enjoyed Ti West's movies like The House of the Devil and The Inkeepers.
#horror #Cinemassacre #TiWest #miagoth
Pearl (2022) von Ti West. Das von West und Goth gemeinsam geschriebene X-Prequel übertrifft jede Erwartung. Pearl als Figur ist herzzerreißend und mörderisch zugleich, Goth führt so souverän durch diese tragikomische Charakterstudie, dass man nicht den Blick abwenden kann, und das schmerzhafte Thema der Pflege von Angehörigen wird von quietschiger 50er-Ästhetik und Zauberer-von-Oz-Vibes überlagert, aber nicht entschärft. Großartig!
#pearl #TiWest #MiaGoth #heikeliebtlisten #toptenfilme2022
Pearl (2022) by Ti West. A character study that's in equal parts funny and devastating. Mia Goth's performance as Pearl is endearing, vulnerable, murderous, and batshit crazy, while the script leans deeply into the raw horror of taking care of a family member, a topic prevalent in feminist horror. Stylistically rooted in 1950s melodrama and equipped with delightful Wizard of Oz vibes, this was everything I hoped for after X.
#Pearl #TiWest #MiaGoth #HeikeLovesLists #TopTenMovies2022 #Horror
#pearl #TiWest #MiaGoth #heikeloveslists #toptenmovies2022 #horror
‘Pearl’ by Ti West. This has a twisted Wizard of Oz vibe to it, what with the preponderance of red and the nods to classic film. An amusing watch, if you like your horror quite daft. There were some scenes I had to watch from behind my clenched fingers, but I am quite a lightweight when it comes to horror.
#horror #miagoth #TiWest #pearlmovie
🏆 Films of the Year 🏆
#MichaelBay #JoeBegos #TiWest #PhilTippett #film #Cinema #movies
#MichaelBay #joebegos #TiWest #philtippett #film #cinema #movies
🎬 Pearl 🎬
#miaGoth scaring the shit out of me for almost two hours!
Vom klassischen Slasher „X“ führt uns Regisseur #TiWest mit der Origin Story von #pearl in eine psychoeske Horrorstory, die einen von Minute eins völlig vereinnahmt. 1/3
Dabei glänzt Hauptdarstellerin Mia Goth in jeder einzelnen Szene, indem sie einen permanent in ein Gefühlschaos, nein, eine innere Zerrissenheit zwischen Beschützerinstinkt und eiskaltem Schauer stürzt. 1/2