Nuestro programa para la observación del🌍, @CopernicusEU, capturó una imagen del incendio que afecta a #TierraDelFuego
El fuego, propagado por la intensidad del viento, ya ha consumido 1.500 hectáreas.
El registro de #Sentinel2🇪🇺🛰️fue obtenido el 28 de febrero.
#TierraDelFuego #Sentinel2 #Copernicus
#Copernicus for #wildfires monitoring
An out-of-control and unusually southerly fire is affecting #TierraDelFuego 🇨🇱
Strong wind gusts in the area are spurring the spread of the fire, which has already burned 1⃣,5⃣0⃣0⃣ ➕ha
Image captured by #Sentinel2🇪🇺🛰️on 28 February
#Copernicus #wildfires #TierraDelFuego #Sentinel2
Tierra Del Fuego 🇦🇷🇨🇱 is the southernmost region of South America
On 22 January, clear skies enabled #Copernicus #Sentinel3 🇪🇺🛰️ to capture this view of the Martial Mountains on #TierradelFuego's Isla Grande, east of Cordillera Darwin, north of the city of #Ushuaia
#Copernicus #Sentinel3 #TierraDelFuego #Ushuaia
RT @iurc_lac: #TierraDelFuego region🇦🇷 welcomes 3 senior officials from the #Opolskie region🇵🇱. On the 1st day, they visited Ushuaia’s Creative Hub, the Ministry of Production & Environment, the University of Tierra del Fuego, and private and sectorial institutions: Globant, ACAF & Ahumaderos.