A nAlluis is an early sweat-house. They look like little stone with a low doorway, and can still be seen dotted around the landscape today, although their true purpose is one of debate. A fire would be lit inside, in which stones were heated. The ashes would be scraped out, and water sprinkled onto the stones to produce a heavy vapour.
Souce: Ali Isaac

#Tigh #irish #beehives

Last updated 1 year ago

nAlluis: Early sweat-houses look like little stone with a low doorway, and can still be seen dotted around the landscape today, although their true purpose is one of debate. A fire would be lit inside, in which stones were heated. The ashes would be scraped out, and water sprinkled onto the stones to produce a heavy vapour.
Credit @aliisaac_

#Tigh #irish #beehives

Last updated 3 years ago