RT @TigrayPrevail21@twitter.com
End the human sufferings in #Tigray.
End the #TigraySiege.
End the manufactured starvation of millions in Tigray.
End the killing spree by #Eritrea|n & #Amhara forces in ~70% Tigray.
#FreeTigray from the🇪🇹n,🇪🇷n & Amhara genocidal forces for sustainable peace.
#TigrayGenocide https://twitter.com/yaredinho_r9/status/1611746378153136129
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TigrayPrevail21/status/1611925369892007936
#Tigray #TigraySiege #eritrea #amhara #FreeTigray #TigrayGenocide
RT @MichelCillard@twitter.com
True peace will only come when human rights are respected. For this to happen, the #TigraySiege must be lifted, aid must reach the entire region, concentration camps must be closed & those responsible for crimes must be held accountable including at the highest level.
@UN@twitter.com #UNSC
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MichelCillard/status/1599096782633304064
🚨Etiopia 🇪🇹 Tigray
Guerra e #TigraySiege hanno portato a un aumento dei decessi per #tubercolosi a livello inaccettabile sia tra persone #HIV negative che sieropositive tornando a livelli di decenni fa. cc:@FocusonafricaIt@twitter.com @claudialode@twitter.com https://ayder.info/index.php/news-and-events/news/the-impact-of-war-and-siege-on-tigrays-tuberculosis-program
#hiv #tubercolosi #TigraySiege
Thank you for your work @Francescorocca@twitter.com
What do you think about #TigrayFamine and #TigraySiege? Before being a justice or political problem, it is an existential problem for millions of Tigrayans abandoned to genocidal political will from +700days https://twitter.com/Francescorocca/status/1579141568564437001
Thank you for your work.
What do you think about #TigrayFamine and #TigraySiege? Before being a justice or political problem, it is an existential problem for millions of Tigrayans abandoned to genocidal political will from +700days
So practice what you preach. You should work to reactivate the basic services vital to the survival of the people in Tigray.
END #TigraySiege
RT @EthioHRC@twitter.com
#HRConcept of the week: Minimum protections under non-international armed conflict
Find out more: https://ehrc.org/?p=28252
#ጤናማቃላት #keepwordsafe #ethiopia #HRConcept #TigraySiege #ReconnectTigray
⁉️Are you hoping that the people in #Tigray read the message?
⚠️Without internet and phone lines how do you think they will do it?
💔There are people who no longer have tears even to cry.
#ReconnectTigray End #TigraySiege
RT @ebczena@twitter.com
The Government of #Ethiopia urges the people of #Tigray to free themselves from the suffering caused by the tyranny of TPLF and condemn the belligerence.
#ethiopia #TigraySiege #ReconnectTigray #Tigray
Shame IC, shame USA🇺🇸 & EU🇪🇺
the @IntlCrimCourt@twitter.com took action after a month to investigate crimes in Ukraine 🇺🇦
After +22 in Tigray the massacres and the siege continue. #TigrayGenocide #TigrayUnderAirAttack
END #TigraySiege
#TigraySiege #TigrayUnderAirAttack #TigrayGenocide
While in Tigray, in the northern regional state of Ethiopia, #TigrayGenocide and #TigraySiege have been running for +22 months. END // https://www.focusonafrica.info/etiopia-la-fame-e-nientaltro-che-il-fallimento-della-politica/
🔴 Ethiopia 🇪🇹 air strike in #Mekelle and international war on fuel for humanitarian aid in #TigraySiege
on @FocusonafricaIt@twitter.com directed by @AntonellaNapoli@twitter.com
cc: @LegacyTigray@twitter.com @EdenBFKN@twitter.com @Rimey_tig@twitter.com @NatyYifru@twitter.com @BurbridgeDuke@twitter.com @IrobAnina@twitter.com
#TigrayUnderAttack #TigraySiege #Mekelle
🔴 Ethiopia 🇪🇹 air raid in #Mekelle and international diplomatic war on fuel for humanitarian aid in #TigraySiege
🚨 Etiopia 🇪🇹 raid aereo a Mekelle e guerra internazionale sul carburante per il #Tigray
@GiorgiaMeloni@twitter.com questo non è il #Venezuela.
@matteosalvinimi@twitter.com il #tigrayGenocide si può configurare come vera guerra?
+22 mesi di #TigraySiege e l'Italia gira la faccia.
#TigraySiege #TigrayGenocide #venezuela #Tigray
🚨 Qualcuno si chiederà perché @WFP@twitter.com abbia tenuto così tanto carburante in deposito a #Mekelle quando migliaia di persone continuano a morire di fame poiché il cibo non può essere distribuito "a causa della carenza di carburante". END #TigraySiege #Ethiopia 🇪🇹
#ethiopia #TigraySiege #Mekelle
Un massacro non è necessariamente fatto solo con i machete. #TigrayGenocide
RT @davide_tommasin@twitter.com
🚨 Etiopia 🇪🇹 nuovi combattimenti in zona di confine tra Amhara e Tigray. END #TigraySiege
cc: @AgenziaH@twitter.com @AgenziaFides@twitter.com @ElisabettaBurba@twitter.com @Eli_Trenta@twitter.com @LiaQuartapelle@twitter.com @mazzeoantonio@twitter.com @_Nico_Piro_@twitter.com @AndreaBellavit@twitter.com @vicinolontano@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/davide_tommasin/status/1562376435783897088
🚨 Etiopia 🇪🇹 nuovi combattimenti in zona di confine tra Amhara e Tigray. END #TigraySiege
cc: @AgenziaH@twitter.com @AgenziaFides@twitter.com @ElisabettaBurba@twitter.com @Eli_Trenta@twitter.com @LiaQuartapelle@twitter.com @mazzeoantonio@twitter.com @_Nico_Piro_@twitter.com @AndreaBellavit@twitter.com @vicinolontano@twitter.com
🔴Etiopia 🇪🇹 Posizioni geo politiche d'interesse e capitalistiche di UE 🇪🇺 e USA 🇺🇸 prevaricano la denuncia del #TigrayGenocidio e la tutela dei diritti umani.
END #TigraySiege
cc: @claudialode@twitter.com @galatacla@twitter.com @_Nico_Piro_@twitter.com @FiorellaMannoia@twitter.com @LegacyTigray@twitter.com @TigrayItalia@twitter.com
#ReconnectTigray #TigraySiege #TigrayGenocidio
🔴 Un case study è sicuramente la catastrofe umnaitaria dettata dal blocco e dal confinamento del #Tigay, stato regionale settentrionale in Etiopia, +6MLN di tigrini assediati e affamati per volontà politiche. Senza diritto di fuga. END #TigraySiege
🔴Etiopia 🇪🇹
🚨 #Tigray, la strage degli innocenti.
L’orrore di un conflitto dimenticato💔
END #TigraySiege & STOP #TigrayFamine ‼️
#TigrayFamine #TigraySiege #Tigray
La catastrofe umanitaria in #Tigray da +22 mesi è conseguenza di crimini contro l'umanita in una guerra genocida: fame, abusi di genere usati come armi.
‼️⚠️Blocco all'accesso umanitatio e distruzione dell'80% del sistema sanitario. STOP #TigraySiege
➡️ https://twitter.com/Tigrai_TV/status/1560532599461789696
⚠️Ethiopia 🇪🇹
‼️We remember that the China 🇨🇳 voted against the investigation @UN@twitter.com team to find the perpetrators of crimes against humanity in #Tigray.
END #TigraySiege
Justice 4 #Tigray
RT @chenweihua@twitter.com
@ReutersWorld@twitter.com Dr Tedros blasts racism by the West.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/chenweihua/status/1560199540170543104