RT @ProfKindeya@twitter.com

Today, there has been a drone @AbiyAhmedAli@twitter.com attack at the outskirts of , & wounded two women civilians. The victims were taken to Suhul Shire Hospital. Nevertheless, a hospital with no treatment facilities would do little. Yet

πŸ¦πŸ”—: twitter.com/ProfKindeya/status

#TigrayWillPrevail #TigrayUnderAttack #Tigray #Shire

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @reda_getachew@twitter.com

Army and ’s forces under its command have as of this morning deployed tens of thousands of forces and mechanized units in , & fronts in their renewed round of full scale offensive. !

πŸ¦πŸ”—: twitter.com/reda_getachew/stat

#TigrayWillPrevail #Zalambessa #Tserona #rama #AbiyAhmed #Eritrean

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @reda_getachew@twitter.com

’s drones today targeted a truck transporting aid from Shire to , in a place called . The truck was destroyed and the driver& other people wounded. I am hoping @WFPChief@twitter.com will call out on this outrageous crime.

πŸ¦πŸ”—: twitter.com/reda_getachew/stat

#TigrayWillPrevail #AbiyAhmed #Bahra #Zana #WFP #AbiyAhemed

Last updated 2 years ago

🚨 Nuovo attacco: I droni di pochi minuti fa hanno attaccato una zona residenziale di Mekelle uccidendo e ferendo civili innocenti.
cc: @FocusonafricaIt@twitter.com @AntonellaNapoli@twitter.com

RT @reda_getachew@twitter.com

’s drones a few minutes ago attacked a residential area in Mekelle killing and wounding innocent civilians. No desperate and cowardly act could reverse the Regime’s battlefield losses. !

πŸ¦πŸ”—: twitter.com/reda_getachew/stat

#TigrayWillPrevail #etiopia #Tigry #AbiyAhmed

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @reda_getachew@twitter.com

’s drones targeted Adi Haki campus. As usual, with & massive offensive in many fronts is crumbling like a house of cards, targeting civilians and civilian installations is their way of exacting revenge.!

πŸ¦πŸ”—: twitter.com/reda_getachew/stat

#TigrayWillPrevail #isaiasafeworki #MekelleUniversity #AbiyAhmed

Last updated 2 years ago