Faça as contas aí de usuários ativos:
- #facebook 3 bilhões
- #instagram 2,3 bilhões
- #whatsapp 2,7 bilhões
- #threads 100 milhões (em 3 dias)
O #twitter tem 450 milhões, e o #Tiktok 1 bilhão.
Olha o tamanho do monopólio que a #meta está construindo.
#facebook #instagram #whatsapp #threads #twitter #Tiktok #meta
Forget #TikTok! The #UnitedStates 🇺🇸 needs to focus on combating #Ticks this season as one bite can ruin your life (if not end it).
👉🏾 This could be the peak of tick season – and tick-borne diseases are on the rise https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/01/health/tick-season-diseases/index.html
#TikTok is great for exposure, but not when it comes to monitization (#YouTube is King here). In the end I think #Google will dominate the video market a decade from now, & TikTok will fizzle out as creators migrate to platforms that help pay their bills.
👉🏾 TikTok’s new feature asks creators to make branded videos for a chance at ad money https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/27/23774516/tiktok-creative-challenge-ads-branded-content-fund
#Zerocalcare che dice che non usa #tiktok perchè giustamente si sente un vecchiodimmerda e non capisce quando i giovani lo chiamano "mio padre" è davvero uno di noi
Nossa, quando eu fazia minha faculdade de sistemas de informação eu achava péssimo as aulas de humanas e não via sentido naquilo, e o pior é que as aulas eram legais (apesar de ser ead) e agora vejo a importância de ter isso no currículo de exatas, nós ficamos muito alienados se ficarmos presos em uma coisa só em vez de expandir nosso conhecimento sobre a sociedade.
@girosink That is a household or parental decision, not a governmental one. #TikTok does the same thing #Facebook & #Twitter do, & ironically they are facing similar issues in #Europe.
Fortunately there are courts who are sympathetic towards the first amendment in the USA 🇺🇸.
#Tiktok #facebook #twitter #europe
I loathe #TikTok but I would use it out of spite if my government banned this site for no rational reason. I would also recommend people use a VPN as well.
👉🏾 Montana's TikTok ban leaves users, business owners reeling https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/21/tech/montana-tiktok-users/index.html
How many #TikTok users are there in #Montana‽
👉🏾 Montana becomes first US state to ban TikTok over security concerns https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/05/17/tiktok-montana-ban-governor-greg-gianforte/70230240007/
"Por que os pesos e alturas nos animes são tão desconexos da realidade?"
#Tiktok #Fisico #Luta #Anime
Kkkkk, não aguentou 7 minutos de trocação com trabalhador.
#Tiktok #pedrocardoso #bial #entrevista
Sò riuscito a beccamme un warning per violazione delle linee guida della community pure su #TikTok, e solo perché in un testo generato da #ChatGPT si parlava, seppur in modo boccaccesco, di sesso.
Intanto, i video dei regazzini messi in ridicolo dai genitori e quelli delle tipe che fanno le spacchate sulle pannocchie fioccano e circolano indisturbati.
L'idea de famme l'orto diventa sempre più allettante.
Eu iria se pudesse pra ver as exposições e ouvir as palestras, mas nunca que mergulharia.
#Tiktok #biologia #mar #Corais
Ho rimosso FINALMENTE il mio profilo.
Un gesto che, secondo me, dovremmo fare tutti!
#TikTok non è un luogo meraviglioso. È un luogo osceno ed inquietante!
Avrei altro da aggiungere, ma per ora mi fermo qui perché al solo pensarci mi fa male lo stomaco. 😔
Questa scelta l'ho fatta anche per favoreggiare le mie abitudini sui social con un uso sempre maggiore di #Mastodon e #LivelloSegreto.
Se almeno molti volessero approcciarsi più a questi ultimi... 👊
Addio, Tik Tok! È stato PESANTE! 👋
#Tiktok #mastodon #livellosegreto
@Linkin If a social network is dangerous then parents—not politicians—should prevent kids from accessing it.
Government bans rarely work & would encourage the opposite reaction, making #TikTok more popular.
Good parents still have a positive influence on their kids & would be far more effective & convincing than a politician a child barely knows.
In fact, kids are already mocking the thought of a TikTok ban.
👉🏾 https://www.insider.com/tiktok-congress-hearing-ban-bytedance-china-viral-videos-chew-ceo-2023-3
@Linkin It's called basic rights. #America 🇺🇸 is not a communist or fascist country.
When the government micro-manages people's lives en mass, we all lose.
I would rather keep my freedoms with a dangerous #TikTok (a site I utterly loathe) than have a dangerous, incompetent & corrupt government attempting to dictate every detail of my life.
As much as I loathe #TikTok (as they have collectively made people dumber), I am vehemently opposed to the #UnitedStates 🇺🇸 attempts at shutting them down.
If I had the legal resources, I would sue over #FirstAmendment grounds to keep the site from being shut down.
If #America 🇺🇸 can shut TikTok down, then they can also shut down #Telegram, #Signal, etcetera.
👉🏾 The TikTok Hearing Revealed That Congress Is the Problem https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-hearing-congress-us-privacy-law/
#Tiktok #unitedstates #firstamendment #america #telegram #Signal
Entretenimiento, consejos..., pero también noticias falsas 🚨. #TikTok acaparó la atención de los jóvenes. 👇
https://t.co/cAUefBtttv https://twitter.com/UNAM_MX/status/1639371521197248512