Comic Review: I read "West, West, Texas" by #tilliewalden. It was such a thick read. But I love how she takes "time" to let the atmosphere work. Lovable characters and a touch of fantasy.
I enjoy her way of using colors and lines, she is a role model for me! 🙌
Side note: I would have loved to sleep in this dinky trailer for a night.
#comingofage #youngadult #comic #graphicnovell #queer #lgbtq :heart_sp_pan:
#lgbtq #queer #graphicnovell #comic #youngadult #comingofage #TillieWalden
Haven't had too much energy for self promotion of late, but here we go. Today's review is of the Texas horror dreamscape graphic novel Are You Listening!
Video and transcript at
#Comics #TillieWalden #Horror #Reviews #GraphicNovel
#comics #TillieWalden #horror #reviews #graphicnovel
"A first love is important to anyone. But when you're both young and gay and in the closet, it's something else entirely.
It wasn't the thrill of freedom. I felt that I remember -
It was the fear."
Ich finde ja, auch Comics dürfen mal so richtig dick sein. 😉 Die Story klingt in jedem Fall vielversprechend und die Zeichnungen, in ihrem recht klaren Stil nicht minder. Ich freue mich auf das Schmökern dieses weiteren Mitbringsels von „Kleine Verlage am großen Wannsee“.
#leseherbst #comic #tilliewalden #reprodukt #comingofage #scifi #queer #weltall #liebe #planeten #indiebook #lesen #leseratte #leselust #bücher #graphicnovel #literatur #yesyoucomican
#leseherbst #comic #TillieWalden #reprodukt #comingofage #scifi #queer #weltall #liebe #planeten #indiebook #lesen #leseratte #leselust #bucher #graphicnovel #literatur #yesyoucomican
I'm posting some of my favorite #GraphicNovels as I am new to the genre and hoping to get recommendations for future reads:
#Persepolis (#MarjaneSatrapi)
#Syllabus (#LyndaBarry)
#FunHouse (#AlisonBechdel) - really anything by #Bechdel
#Laguardia (#NnediOkorafor)
#SeekYou (#KristenRadtke)
#OnASunbeam (#TillieWalden)
@bookstodon what else should I be reading?
#TillieWalden #OnASunbeam #kristenradtke #seekyou #NnediOkorafor #LaGuardia #bechdel #AlisonBechdel #funhouse #lyndabarry #syllabus #MarjaneSatrapi #persepolis #graphicnovels
#Introduction part 2 to add a bit more detail and hashtags.
Work: I'ma Principal Analyst at He Pou a Rangi the NZ #ClimateChange Commission, mostly working on #ets and #emissions targets
Nerd shit:
Comics: I hyperfixated on queer comics during the pandemic. #NDStevenson, #MollyOstertag, #TillieWalden #TheNib #Heartstopper
#SheRa #AtLA #StarTrek #StrangeNewWorlds #DS9 #TheOwlHouse #DoctorWho
I try and keep away from the outernet, and enjoy #Boardgames and#PCgames, also #ADHD
#introduction #climatechange #ETS #emissions #NDStevenson #MollyOstertag #TillieWalden #thenib #heartstopper #shera #atla #startrek #strangenewworlds #ds9 #theowlhouse #doctorwho #boardgames #adhd
Clementine Crafts Its Own Space in the Universe of The Walking Dead
#comicbooks #graphicnovel #TheWalkingDead #TillieWalden #youngadult
#comicbooks #graphicnovel #thewalkingdead #TillieWalden #youngadult