If you don't know what to do on a Saturday morning, taste some #coffee. A nice lineup of 2 Kenyan, one Peruvian, and one Brazilian (and this last is not one of the mass produced stuff, of course).
I guessed only 1 out of 4 correct, and boy I was confident. _This_ is why one does coffee cupping.
Doctor told me to not have coffee while recovering from a sprained ankle. Is that normal?
Actually, a bit of decafeinating time likely gonna help, I think I'll sleep better, less jumpy, etc.
On the other hand, I have some nice #TimWendelboe specialty Kenyan coffee that now I cannot savor, and by the time my ankle's right, the others might have already finished. Serves me right still brewing it for them in my「老葛咖啡」home "coffee shop" :P
@ferds nice!! I also buy beans, grind them somewhere between medium-fine and fine, with PureFresh New Professonal Standard (made here in #taiwan
Tried paper, Able Disk, and Able Disk Fine filters.
Inverted is definitely making me more relaxed when brewing. Though been looking at the Flow Control Cap that seems to work nicely.
Followed recipes from #JamesHoffman #TimWendelboe the Able Disk Fine recipe competition pages, etc...
Beans always depends trying new specialty coffee all the time.
#taiwan #jameshoffman #TimWendelboe
I'm in #TimWendelboe for coffee ☕ and love over-hearing the awkward conversation of people that kinda know each other but also don't. 😬 #Oslo