Nats must be taking the absolute piss out of the electoral commission donation guidelines they litterly have a guy towing a trailer with a Nats election campaign sign on it up and down the main Street of #Timaru.
Was having a yarn with the old fella out front this morning well into his 70's recently lost his wife of 40 years to cancer and even he's concerned about #climatechange he pointed out how one side of Canada is burning the other side getting flooded same as in the US and he actually said the last few days here in #Timaru have been like summer hot he's dreading summer if it's this warm in winter.
Any recommendations in #Aotearoa for where I can find a #dairyfree Easter egg? Left it too late for delivery already, so gonna have to be something that's available in #Timaru.
Turns out that flash new countdown they built in #Timaru is not only expensive but the new lights they put in are fucking up traffic flows.
From sweating my balls off yesterday and now it's pissing down talk about 180s.
Thing I'm slowly learning now in my second year living in #Timaru after 38 years living in #Christchurch is the heat and humidity is way different in the summer I swear it get hotter and more humid around 4pm.
I know what your thinking but Craig they are like literally and hour and a bit apart it can't really be that different I'm telling you it is don't know why it is but it just is.
Small-town checkin?
I've seen users as close as #timaru and #rolleston, is there anyone else here in #ashburton yet?
What other little backwaters are you all tooting from?
#Timaru #rolleston #ashburton #nzmasto #NZMastodon
No #Timaru trip is complete without the Caroline Bay carnival. #Aotearoa #NewZealand #summer
#Timaru #aotearoa #newzealand #summer
No #Timaru trip is complete without the Caroline Bay carnival. #Aotearoa #NewZealand #summer
#Timaru #aotearoa #newzealand #summer
Back in the day in #NZ, rail travel was fit for a queen, and for everyone else. Now it's only fit for #Auckland and #Wellington commuters & high-end tourists on three visitor-oriented long-distance trains (and that's when trains are actually running). #Timaru 1954 versus now.
#nz #auckland #wellington #Timaru
@leighelse Brand new seating has been built to replace the original. Set up for another hundred years or till the sea comes in. In fact, it was sea until the port was formed on reclaimed land. Free concerts for 2 weeks is pretty rare these days though.
#carolinebay #carolinebaysoundshell #carolinebaycarnival #Timaru
We moved to #Timaru at the end of my 1968 third form year. One of the few positives for me that summer was the #CarolineBay #carnival, an institution that's been running (almost) non-stop for more than a century.
#Timaru #carolinebay #carnival
I subscribe to Antarctica New Zealand and this is a link to their latest newsletter.
A Major project has been in the planning for some years and the building of a new Scott Base is about to be started, here in Timaru NZ.
There are a number of vacancies for the build if you are in the market for working on a pretty impressive project.
NZ plays a major roll down there and this new base will make living there so much better.
#antarctic #scottbase #Timaru #penguins