Played Timberborn until far too late. I really should have built a levee sooner. #Timberborn
Is Sweden trialing high rises made out of wood like a bunch of beavers building an entire civilization? You know it!
They'll tell you it's because of the climate etc but it's because there's definitely not a shortage of trees and represents a growth opportunity for Sweden. Sometimes they're absolute morons at it but this, this is PR genius.
#sweden #policy #timberborn
Tried #Timberborn on my #SteamDeck and it runs amazing. Very impressed since it is still in early access!
#Timberborn #SteamDeck #videogames
#Timberborn is a very charming game. The water and build vertical mechanic adds so much fun!
#Timberborn #steam #videogames #rts
Hey there Tŵters! Lazing around day today, still in PJs! Enjoying the calm after a non-stop week. It's been a lot of fun, but very busy. And with a LOT of walking!
Roast dinner later - it is Sunday after all - and perhaps some #gaming before then. Waiting for #Dredge to come down in price before grabbing that, so probably some #Timberborn and #Armello first. #BackToBed also worth checking out.
Have a smashing Sunday, all! x
#BackToBed #armello #Timberborn #dredge #gaming
June 6, 2023 - Day 157 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 174
Game: Timberborn
Platform: Steam
Release Date: Sep 16, 2021
Library Date: Jun 5, 2023
Unplayed: 1d (1d)
Playtime: 3h55m
Timberborn is an "oh no what have I done reality" game (TIL there's not really an antonym for simulator).
Technically, Timberborn is a "lumberpunk" city-building strategy management game in a post-apocalyptic Earth devoid of humans.
In practice, Timberborn is regret*-generator that will eat up your time, until you look up from the monitor and realise you should have been in bed two hours ago. In my case, three and a half hours.
You control a colony of beavers. BEAVERS! They're adorable and whimsical, and they build stuff, and you can build more stuff, and then extend, and then plant trees, and dear me, this just made me want to keep playing.
I had this on my wishlist for a while, and then it came up on special, and then it was even cheaper on Humble, and it was worth every penny of the A$23.50 I paid for it.
Except in lost sleep.
*I regret nothing.
Timberborn is:
5: Excellent
#Timberborn #Lumberpunk #Citybuilder #Management #MastodonGaming #Gaming #Project365ONG #Project365 #NewPlay
#Timberborn #lumberpunk #citybuilder #management #mastodongaming #gaming #project365ong #project365 #newplay
Well, my avoiding cleaning yesterday paid off. I unlocked Ironteeth (again) and ended up playing the rework of Craters. So far, so good. I'm liking the new crops, and that there's now little crossover between the Folktails and Ironteeth, which gives them more of their own flavour. #Timberborn is definitely well on its way to being one of my favourite city building survival games #Gaming
The thing I love most about #Timberborn is how mad the building system is. Being able to stack structures, have weird paths and drive shafts in between and bridges over stuff that can't be built on directly gets especially crazy when playing on a small map, like this custom one I made myself.
Ha, remember when I lost entire days of my life and all sleep to The Colonists several times? That was silly. Was searching for another game from that publisher, stumbled into #Timberborn.
Wait, it’s Sunday now? When did that happen??
Neue Wohntrends direkt an der Raffinerie.
Schau mal vorbei, abonniere meinen Kanal 💛 und schreibe mir Tipps in die Kommentare 👍
#raanenaris #Timberborn #Youtube #LetsPlay #UPDATE3
#raanenaris #Timberborn #youtube #letsplay #update3
Täglich #gemütlich in den #Tag starten? In wechselnder Serie #Timberborn und #Survival Fountain of Youth täglich um 10 Uhr auf ⭐ #YouTube #smallyoutuber #raanenaris #letsplay
#gemutlich #tag #Timberborn #survival #youtube #smallyoutuber #raanenaris #letsplay
Steuern wir einer Katastrophe entgegen? Es werden immer mehr Schornsteine in Burg Nagerstein! Schau selbst und schreibe deine Meinung in den Kommentar: 💛#Timberborn #letsplay #raanenaris #gemütlich
#Timberborn #letsplay #raanenaris #gemutlich
Es geht weiter mit den Grundmauern der Burg Nagerstein. 💛#timberborn #update3 #letsplay #raanenaris #gemütlich #youtube #smallyoutuber
#Timberborn #update3 #letsplay #raanenaris #gemutlich #youtube #smallyoutuber
Live now and playing #Timberborn! Come hang out for chill beaver building times.
Hier der aktuelle Plan für die vierte Woche. Wünsche euch ganz viel Spaß ⭐ #youtube #smallyoutuber #raanenaris #timberborn #survival #kerzoven
#youtube #smallyoutuber #raanenaris #Timberborn #survival #kerzoven
Neue Wohnungen in #Timberborn und eine #Special Folge von #Survival - Fountain Of Youth am Samstag, 21.01.2023 auf meinem #YouTube Kanal: Schau rein! 💛 #raanenaris #smallyoutuber #games #Steam
#Timberborn #special #survival #youtube #raanenaris #smallyoutuber #games #steam
How am I supposed to survive this 25-day drought... and the wet season was 3-day long...
Es kommen 13 unbequeme Tage auf die Biber zu. Fällt das Freibad trocken? Schau rein: #timberborn #smallyoutuber #raanenaris #update3 #letsplay #game
#Timberborn #smallyoutuber #raanenaris #update3 #letsplay #game
Moin! Diese Woche haben wir viel vor 💪 Es gibt jeden Tag weitere Folgen, u.a. von #Timberborn, #Survival Fountain of Youth und zum Bergfest der Woche ein Angespielt von Definitely Not Fried Chicken, welches ich vorab spielen durfte! 😀 Schau rein!
Wir haben die erste Dürre in #Timberborn erfolgreich gemeistert, die zweite fordert uns direkt heraus. Werden alle #Biber überleben? Finde es heraus in Folge 2 auf #Youtube 💛