Menschen, die das 21. Chromosom 3-fach haben liegen mir sehr am Herzen. Wir müssen hier Hindernisse beseitigen. Menschen mit Down-Syndrom sind nicht behindert, sondern sie werden behindert #WorldDownSyndromeDay #TimeForMoreVisibility #WDSD23 #WithUsNotForUs
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/peterliese/status/1638229257917702156
#weltdownsyndromtag #WorldDownSyndromeDay #TimeForMoreVisibility #wdsd23 #WithUsNotForUs
On World #Down #Syndrome Day @europarl_en drawns attention to Down syndrome in a unique way as people with Down Syndrome serve coffee in the central Café. We need more events like this! #TimeForMoreVisibility #WDSD23 #WithUsNotForUs
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/toth_edina/status/1638141510293094400
#down #syndrome #TimeForMoreVisibility #wdsd23 #WithUsNotForUs
A wonderful initiative in @europarl_en to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day #WDSD23
People with Down Syndrome helped serve coffee ☕ in a campaign to promote better inclusion in society, politics & employment
#TimeForMoreVisibility #WithUsNotForUs
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DeirdreCluneMEP/status/1638170611578183680
#wdsd23 #TimeForMoreVisibility #WithUsNotForUs
More visibility, autonomy, #work for persons with #Trisomy21, not only today on #WorldDownSydromeDay but everyday that is what we need to achieve!
Very happy to meet Margueritte and Heloise working for the catering “Cap Event”.
#TimeForMoreVisibility #WDSD23 #WithUsNotForUs
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1638133043444498432
#work #Trisomy21 #WorldDownSydromeDay #TimeForMoreVisibility #wdsd23 #WithUsNotForUs