Favorite game you never get to play: As a Forever GM, I almost never get to play any RPG on the tabletop.
Now, there's those TimeWatch and Night's Black Agents mini-campaigns that I keep threatening my players with, but those are more "fun concepts to play around with" at this point.
#RPGaDay2023 #RPGaDay #ttrpg #ttrpgs #foreverGM #timewatch #nightsblackagents
#rpgaday2023 #rpgaday #ttrpg #ttrpgs #foreverGM #TimeWatch #NightsBlackAgents
#rotfl #SwordsoftheSerpentine #TimeWatch #beyondthewall #bladerunner #BrindlewoodBay #callofcthulhu #Coriolis #cyphersystem #deltagreen #die #gumshoe #heart #fallofdeltagreen #grizzledadventurers #ironsworn #laundry #liminal #mothership #mutantcityblues #NightsBlackAgents #ose #Pendragon #RedMarkets #riversoflondon #shadowdark #sin #spectaculars #starforged #throughsunkenlands #trailofcthulhu #triangleagency #troika #Trophy #weirdindiestuff #YellowKing
Spoke to someone this morning who saw the previous #coronation on a small black and white raster cathode ray TV at the home of their then boyfriend's family.
Today they watched a second #coronation on their own large, flat screen digital high definition full colour TV.
@gbsteve @DHS A whole bunch of these were driven by the desire to run #DoctorWho or @kevinkulp 's #Timewatch with minimum prep or research. Either pick seeds and hooks from the time travel-specific books or poke around in the historical and pseudo-historical stuff for viable key events to hang something off.
Hmmm.. as long as I can _read_ any new stuff with innovations in design in them this gets easier. In part because I can write out the core mechanics of so many games from memory. If not?
#VillainsAndVigilantes 2e
I need some sort of #Gumshoe game for general reference so either #Timewatch or #SwordsOfTheSerpentine
And two games to be named later.
#13thage #VillainsAndVigilantes #gumshoe #TimeWatch #SwordsoftheSerpentine
@wandererbill Gumshoe is VERY genre driven, and not very complex once you wrap your brain around the two mechanical conceits, so the trick, I think, is to focus on which genre you most like.
Kevin Kulp's designs (#Timewatch, #SwordsOfTheSerpentine) tend to be much more freewheeling and heroic, with lots of moving resources between point pools.
Robin Laws' designs are more grounded, and are moving away from as many point pools in #TheYellowKing and #MutantCityBlues.
#TimeWatch #SwordsoftheSerpentine #TheYellowKing #mutantcityblues #gumshoe #ttrpg
So, for an early Christmas present, I've decided to bring forward the sign-up to The Raspy Raven Gumshoe Season to ... TODAY!
Around 3 weeks to put your choices in & join the Discord (See my profile)
#ttrpg #gumshoe #NightsBlackAgents #SwordsoftheSerpentine #FearItself #Timewatch #TrailofCthulhu #TheEsoterrorists #TheYellowKingRPG #CastingtheRunes
cc @pelgranepress @robindlaws @Mytholder @gbsteve @Multiplexer @simonjrogers @TheTweedmeister @PaulBaldowski @seanfsmith
#ttrpg #gumshoe #NightsBlackAgents #SwordsoftheSerpentine #FearItself #TimeWatch #trailofcthulhu #theesoterrorists #TheYellowKingRPG #CastingTheRunes
"I gotta idea for a time travel adventure!"
"What hellhole is TimeWatch sending us to?"
"How about a relaxing trip to the Mediterranean?"
"There's a catch. There's always a catch."
#ttrpg #ttrpgs #timetravel #TimeWatch
Was informed by the kiddo that “Overmorrow” is the term for the day after tomorrow. It is also now the name my next #Timewatch campaign.
Was informed by the kiddo that “Overmorrow” is the term for the day after tomorrow. It is also now the name my next #Timewatch campaign.
#7ttrpgs that influenced me
#dungeonworld - my first PBTA game, and one which started me learning
#DnD - You never forget your first
Escape Pod One- first successful game I wrote
#chuubos - That book is magic
#timewatch - also magic, and one of my favorites!
#dramasystem - Did you know I made the compendium and character sheet at Roll20?
#Fate and #Fudge - I ran a Fudge game at a con where you play rats who serve wererats. I should find my notes. Fate is amazing.
#7ttrpgs #dungeonworld #DnD #chuubos #TimeWatch #dramasystem #fate #fudge
#TimeWatch. What's not to love about brain-twisting time travel shenanigans? Taught me a lot about running investigative games without railroading.
#Warhammer Fantasy. What can I say? A classic. Would love to play more someday.
#ShadowOfTheDemonLord. The system encourages rich character development in some really interesting ways.
#TimeWatch #warhammer #ShadowoftheDemonLord
No es un ranking es una lista:
#7ttrpgs #UnknownArmies #monsteroftheweek #24XX #TimeWatch #liminalrpg #magoeldespertar #TrophyDark
@TDungeonator #gumshoe - specifically #Timewatch but also good for horror. #IconsRPG for supers. Big soft spot for #TorgEternity though it's a bit more complex than the others.
#torgeternity #IconsRPG #TimeWatch #GUMSHOE
Reading back through my Google Keep notes, and I found the first one.
Some notes on an alternative setting for Kevin Kulp's Timewatch Gumshoe game.
It's far more detailed, and much better than I remember...
It's based on the KS / Playtest document, rather than the finished work, but I think it's pretty good.
@laidbackdm Trying to figure out a one shot for this weekend. Not sure if I want to go with something safe that I've run before like #timewatch or #IconsRPG or try something new.
So, jumping on the new meme
5 Games I have played, in no order
5 Games I want to GM (out of many many many)
Honestly, you could probably talk me in to GMind just about anything.
#vtm #mta #InSpectres #callofcthulhu #HeavyGear #bladesinthedark #TimeWatch #deltagreen #Deviant #FateofCthulhu
The last five #roleplayinggames I ran? I think that's...
#Broadsword (the 1PG RPG, that is)
#roleplayinggames #ad #trailofcthulhu #TimeWatch #FengShui #Broadsword
Currently Running: Nothing, though I have #StarWarsD6 and #StarTrekAdventures campaigns on hiatus.
Currently Playing: #VampiretheRequiem. Also, a #DeltaGreen campaign on hiatus.
Most Played: #StarWarsD6
Want to Try: #DuneRPG and #TimeWatch
Want to Return to: Running any #ttrpg for my English Language students in college.
#starwarsd6 #startrekadventures #VampiretheRequiem #deltagreen #DuneRPG #TimeWatch #ttrpg