#GrowthEconomy is a mass psychosis. As a species we're consuming, at an accelerating rate, more natural resources than the Earth can replenish. It's simple math and it spells D O O M. There are many ways to organize against this system - let's all do our part! #TimesupRiseup
nxt lvl cyber-corporatism - mainly for the managerial class, of course. The rest of us lower-class schmucks and riffraff can toil away in whichever biohazard manual labor jobs that don't get automatised in a NATURAL world collapsing from CAPITALIST exploitation + pollution
#ecocide #climatecatastrophy #FacebookCompanies #degrowth #TimesupRiseup
#ecocide #climatecatastrophy #FacebookCompanies #degrowth #TimesupRiseup
(global) social exploitation is inextricably tied to environmental exploitation. This means, that in order to prevent/maximize dmg control of the current environmental catastrophe, these billionaire scumbags + the whole socio-politico-economic system that underpins their absurd accumulation of wealth and power has to be destroyed and the hydra heads cauterized. #capitalism #growtheconomy #classism #ecocide #climateEmergency #EatTheRich #TimesupRiseup https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/012715/5-richest-people-world.asp
#capitalism #GrowthEconomy #classism #ecocide #climateemergency #EatTheRich #TimesupRiseup