Okay, that's enough of Gentoo for me.
No updates have succeeded for the last month, and I just wasted a full Saturday on trying to coax it to continue.
I'm still stuck on compilation failures:
"No Timjan, you may not delete this folder. To do so, you need permission from Timjan. [Skip] [Cancel]".
E) If I were to go through the trouble of reporting, would I hear back anything but, in 12 months time, that "fedora X is going eol. If you still can reproduce the bug in fedora X+2, please create a new report against fedora X+2.
#TimjanGrumpsOnComputers #fedora38 #kdeplasma
Alright, that's it.
Either I'll have to upgrade the desktop, or I'll have to leave Gentoo.
It's been compiling more or less constantly for the last week!
Yes, in many cases, it's had to restart large compilations, because they tend to crash after 5 hours .
Reminder to self to not use apps that saves data in binary formats.
Apparently I had two versions of app 'foo' installed - an older from the repos, a newer downloaded from the website ("portable").
(Did I do that when the repo version was unavailable / broken a while back?)
WTF #gtk, how is this supposed to be discoverable without "just knowing" / asking the right person?
I'm sorry, but I still don't get the #gnome-derived file interaction dialogs that certain applications insist on, despite being in a #KDE environment.
If I don't want to open from/save to the default location that the dialog presents, my mental model of what I'm doing comes crashing down until I rearrange myself.
#kde #gnome #TimjanGrumpsOnComputers
What the ... snap?
`snap refresh` ?
It's enough to try to remember which tools use 'update' and which use 'upgrade' - and you come here with 'refresh'?
F*ck, a reboot didn't fix the pam spew.
And now sddm doesn't start properly either. So no graphics beyond one mouse pointer on a black screen.
I don't want to reinstall Gentoo, too.
Well, I guess I really have to get on that fedora reinstallation, then
"Oh, you want to accomplish <blah>? The nice, powerful piece of software FooBaz will do that for you"
$ sudo emerge --ask FooBaz
(FooBaz is installed)
$ FooBaz
bash: FooBaz: command not found
$ foobaz
bash: foobaz: command not found
$ man foobaz
No manual entry for foobaz
$ ddg "foobaz get started"
"Just double click on the icon"
Trying to wake up desktop from sleep.
Mouse works, keyboard does not. Can't unlock.
Ssh in from phone. Tries to suspend again. Wake up a second time.
Bright white screen, no indication of mouse or keyboard.
Duck this, I'm too tired to deal with this ship.
Oh, there's a workaround:
don't update the flatbpaks, only the themes
only select ONE theme at a time (else it'll crash)
some will fail for "not finding <some file>"... and crash.
After certain crashes, it'll be unable to start up all way again. I'll probably see it again after the next reboot and/or gentoo reinstallation.
But I guess I should have known what I should have installed to get the backtrace for the tool to generate the backtrace for what broke in the first place.
Okay, this is repeatable, yadda yadda.
"Fetching backtrace"..
"The debugger has quit unexpectedly".
"The backtrace could not be generated".
Uhm, okay?
"This report does not contain enough information for the developers".
So no report generated, this time either. Good thing I can update anything important through CLI, then.
#KDE wants to use its tool ("Discover") to update the system. Today, I let it.
It found the flatpaks, and the various themes I've installed.
Okay, let's install them...
First, it takes 5 minutes to "fetch updates" (why not already in the background?)
"We're sorry, discover closed unexpectedly", and please report the error. Sure, let's report the bug.
"The assistant will analyze the crash information and guide you..."
Went back to AwesomeWM.
Tried to suspend to disk ('loginctl suspend'); didn't notice until next morning that it didn't do anything.
Tried to suspend again. 4 attempts; some did nothing, some 'suspended' for about 5 seconds after which the system woke up by itself. 5th attempt successful. Or?
Now, trying to wake up the system. Power indicator is on but the system doesn't respond to any inputs. (Keyboard, mouse, ssh).
Hard power cycle, then.
> The following REQUIRED_USE flag constraints are unsatisfied:
> foo? ( any-of ( bar baz ) )
> no ebuilds to satisfy "bar"
> no ebuilds to satisfy "baz"
Okay, what's next?