Love #Tinkerwell for those that have used it you’ll know why. But… sadly, I find the direction it is going in for my uses is not a good fit. Too many features, and AI… ick. Yeah I know, just don’t use those.
There is also 3v4l Integration from JetBrains, but I can’t help think… why?
I have several PHP versions running locally, why can’t I run test code locally? In VisualCode I used to do this a lot. Perhaps time to just go back to Tinker in my #laravel projects?
I've seen #Tinkerwell in action with fellow developers, and am intrigued. I'd love to try it out but it does not seem to have a trial version.
What software does not have a trial version?
Or am I missing something? When I click "get Tinkerwell" on their website, I immediately go to the purchase form.
#tinkerwell users, if you’ve upgraded to the most recent version, does Table View still work for you? When I try table view I cannot get to the bottom table area anymore, the text is cut off with no way to access it. The only solution I was able to find was to delete Application Support/Tinkerwell and reinstall the app. Not ideal but a solution.
I think sometimes we assume everyone knows about all the great tools that are out there, so we don't ever mention them.
So, I'm not sure who needs to know, but if you're a #php #developer and you are working without Beyond Code's Tinkerwell or Spatie's Ray - you need to check them out.
They have quickly become tools I can't imagine living without.
I'd love to know about any other tools you all find invaluable.
#php #developer #spatie #beyondcode #Tinkerwell #ray
I can’t express how much using #Tinkerwell has changed my workflow for the better. Absolutely brilliant tool that I can’t imagine working without.