Even een long-shot maar je weet maar nooit... #BartPeeters beweerde een paar weken geleden in de gazetjes dat hij genezen is van #Tinnitus ... Is er ondertussen al geweten hoe/wat/waar en zo? Want dit zou toch echt wel een wetenschappelijke doorbraak moeten zijn dan?
#tinnitissucks #tinnituslife
#tinnitissucks #tinnituslife #Tinnitus #bartpeeters
New Tinnitus Therapy Can Quiet Torturous Ringing in the Ears
'Constant buzzing and ringing in the ears without any input from the external environment can seriously impair quality of life for the 10 percent of people with tinnitus in the U.S. who have a severe form of the condition. A combination treatment using sound and electrical stimulation may now give hope to sufferers'
#Tinnitus #otology #Health #medicine #Science
Also, Eric Waller, wherever you are, you son of a bitch who shrieked in my left ear- the one I primarily have #tinnitus in now- when I was in sixth or seventh grade at a pitch I have never heard another human male achieve and a volume that actively hurt, because you thought it was somehow funny: I hope you get testicular torsion. 4/4
*fiddles with online sound calculators*
... uh, if the ferry engines are THAT loud, I'm buying over-the-ear hearing protectionkthxbye. I've got #tinnitus already. I don't need more of this shit. 3/
I hadn't realized how loud the engine was on the ferry I prefer taking to work until recently. (My options are 'take the T, take this ferry, take a bike to a further-away ferry'.) Turns out the engine is loud enough to get my attention when the boat is passing behind one of the islands in the harbor... at a distance of 675-875 meters.
I need to get reusable hearing protection. I'm not letting my situation get any worse.
Hearing aid out for the night. My #tinnitus is really bad tonight. Very loud ringing in my right ear. As soon as I can get to bed, my sleep mask with Bluetooth headphones will help me fall asleep. Until then, though, RIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGG!!!!!!
"#Tinnitus ist nicht gleich Tinnitus. Manche Menschen berichten von einem dauerhaften, relativ gleichbleibenden Ton. Doch die meisten hören unterschiedliche Geräusche zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten, mal lauter, mal leiser, mit längeren oder kürzeren Pausen, im Rhythmus des Herzschlags, in einem Ohr oder in beiden. Manche Menschen haben noch andere Symptome."
In der aktuellen Ausgabe ihres Newsletters erläutert @SilkJag den Stand der Forschung und Heilmöglichkeiten: https://krautreporter.de/5985-silke-jager
Know any women in NYC who could participate in this study on #tinnitus? It requires tripping in an MRI. (I am serious.)
Know any women in NYC who could participate in this study on #tinnitus? It requires tripping in an MRI. (I am serious.)
As with #tinnitus I can't recommend talking to the people around you enough. Explain how it makes you feel, talk about the physical & emotional reaction to sounds, and show them the new research - 1 in 5 people in the UK have #misophonia. You are not alone. (4/ )
Well, I never thought I'd see #misophonia trend on tw*tter. I've always had misophonia but didn't realise it had a name until I was diagnosed with #tinnitus. I just assumed I was a bit grumpy & the pain was a normal reaction to certain noises. (1/ )
Brom in mijn oren
Een stoomboot in de verte
Laat hij doorvaren
#Tinnitus #haikusofmastodon #haikuchallenge #Haiku
@Patrickstewart Fellow #tinnitus sufferer here. A constant in my life, and sometimes noticeably loud (like now, that I'm thinking about it), but I have not suffered from the sleep anxiety you mention. I do have ambient noises playing on my phone all night - usually a mix of white noise, ocean sounds, etc. - trying to match the ringing pitch a little. I think it helps. Stress can bring it to the fore but I wouldn't say that's a definite trigger; it just does its own thing for the main part.
My #tinnitus is in rare form this week. I've had it forever (like since I was two) and know how to deal with it, but it's been screaming for the past week. It's an incessant high pitched, almost musical hum.
Trying to fill out a questionnaire about my #tinnitus, but it's too quiet where I am. When it's quiet I hear the ringing more than ever. Life with tinnitus: Quiet is too loud!
My #tinnitus is getting more and more annoying. I think it's increased in frequency and volume to become an even higher pitched, louder ringing. I go for another hearing test and meeting with a tinnitus specialist on Friday. The end of the week can't get here soon enough.
There are many things I don't miss about going to #church. One that came to mind today was the sound systems.
At some churches I attended as a child, there was some belief that to have the system at anything other than maximum was an affront to #God. It was extensively loud. It caused auditory pain. Covering my ears was considered disrespectful. My complaints of pain fell on deaf ears.
I believe this is why I've had #tinnitus for most of the time I remember.
#hearingdamage #Tinnitus #god #church