The similarities between anarchism, mana motuhake and tino rangatiratanga #Māori #anarchist #Anarchists #TinoRangatiratanga #ManaMotuhake #anarchocommunism
#Maori #Anarchist #anarchists #TinoRangatiratanga #ManaMotuhake #anarchocommunism
The new website for Asians Supporting Tino Rangatiratanga is up and running! Very informative.
E tino tautoko ana ahau i tēnei kaupapa whakahirahira!
#maori #asian #TinoRangatiratanga
#maori #asian #TinoRangatiratanga
The first time ever, I was at Waitangi on Waitangi day. Attended the dawn service. What was really special was the different languages: Samoan, Tongan, Mandarin, Arabic, and Te Reo Māori of course.
I loved being here.
#Waitangi #WaitangiDay #TeTiriti #TinoRangatiratanga #LandBack
#waitangi #waitangiday #TeTiriti #TinoRangatiratanga #landback
I'm proud to be part of an organisation that is calling on the Government & all political parties to honour Aotearoa's commitments under UNDRIP, and fulfil the rights of tangata whenua.
Please see the link for an open letter signed by more than 50 organisations, including our own, and share widely.
#nzpol #Indigenous #UNDRIP #IndigenousRights #TinoRangatiratanga
#LandBack #Māori
#nzpol #indigenous #UNDRIP #indigenousrights #TinoRangatiratanga #landback #maori
I'm here, I'm learning how this platform works.
Identity - Pākehā. Ecosocialist. Queer. Parent.
Pronouns: She/They
Practices: Tangata Tiriti, anti-racism, community organising
Purpose: Dismantle systems of White Supremacy and Colonialism.
Always agitating: #TransRights, #WorkersRights, #LandBack
#ManaMotuhake #TinoRangatiratanga #TangataTiriti #AntiRacism #antifa #NZTwits
Day job: see purpose.
#TangataTiriti #antiracism #antifa #NZTwits #transrights #workersrights #landback #ManaMotuhake #TinoRangatiratanga
@aurynn @simon_w hi Aurynn, i don't know what that means exactly, but for #TinoRangatiratanga flag emoji i believe it was the amazing @mementomaori who added it today.
Mōrena e te whānau! Are we supposed to do these hashtag personal brand posts? Stuff I'm into:
That's probably a good enough eclectic list to be getting on with lol
#TeReo #parenting #dnd #ttrpg #transformers #gardening #TinoRangatiratanga #shitposting #anticapitalism