When everything goes well, there will be an #update of #TinyWeatherforecastGermany by the end of this week.
The focus is on some #ui improvements that did not make it into version 0.61.0.
Especially the maps are now displayed differently, better using the space available on the screen.
As a new feature, you will be able to #share #weather #warnings !
You can grab a #rc here:
#Weather #forecast based on open data from the Deutscher Wetterdienst #dwd.
#update #TinyWeatherForecastGermany #ui #share #weather #warnings #rc #forecast #dwd
When everything goes well, there will be an #update of #TinyWeatherforecastGermany by the end of this week.
The focus is on some #ui improvements that did not make it into version 0.61.0.
Especially the maps are now displayed differently, better using the space available on the screen.
As a new feature, you will be able to #share #weather #warnings !
You can grab a #rc here:
#Weather #forecast based on open data from the Deutscher Wetterdienst #dwd.
#update #TinyWeatherForecastGermany #ui #share #weather #warnings #rc #forecast #dwd
Is anyone using #gadgetbridge and #TinyWeatherForecastGermany with a #wearable then can display probability of precipitation and the UV hazard index?
Does this work like expected?
Just curious, because this is a new feature since the last update and zero feedback up to now.
#gadgetbridge #TinyWeatherForecastGermany #wearable
#TinyWeatherForecastGermany has a new feature:
you can share weather warnings.
Either the ones you get by notifications, or from the main app.
See the screenshots:
I hope you all enjoy the update of #tinyweatherforecastgermany !
The new version is available at #fdroid : https://f-droid.org/en/packages/de.kaffeemitkoffein.tinyweatherforecastgermany/
This is a #floss #android #app presenting you a #weather #forecast based on #opendata from the Deutscher Wetterdienst #dwd .
The update comes with a display of the UV hazard index forecast, a pollen forecast for #germany and some new #weather #maps.
Also, a lot of bugs were fixed and the performance increased, especially for all of you using older devices.
#TinyWeatherForecastGermany #fdroid #floss #android #app #weather #forecast #opendata #dwd #germany #maps
I do really like the TinyWeatherForcast app, its notifications are very useful and it shows all the information I need.
#tinyweatherforecast #TinyWeatherForecastGermany #android #fdroid #weatherforecast #weather #app
#tinyweatherforecast #TinyWeatherForecastGermany #android #fdroid #weatherforecast #weather #app
Hi, thanx for your great work on #TinyWeatherForecastGermany!
What I'm thinking about: If I get a push alert and tab on it, I expect to see the alert for *my* location after opening the app. But it seems, that always all alerts for all locations are listed. That's not ideal in my opinion.
Übrigens beträgt die gefühlte, maximaleTemperatur heute in weiten Teilen Deutschlands 32-38° C.
Anbei ein Screenshot der #opensource #wetterapp #TinyWeatherForecastGermany .
Die Wetterkarten kommen mit dem nächsten Update der App.
#opensource #wetterapp #TinyWeatherForecastGermany
I am currently working on a huge #app update. See the pictures for a #sneakpreview .
New features include:
- weather maps, including the #uv hazard index for Germany & Europe amongst others
- pollen count forecast for Germany & your location
- support for swipe gestures throughout the app
The new features need some more testing, so a new official release will still take some time.
Visit the project homepage at #codeberg:
#TinyWeatherForecastGermany #app #sneakpreview #uv #codeberg
Die aktuelle Wetterlage sieht auch mit #opendata des #dwd beeindruckend aus.
Hier ein Screenshot von #TinyWeatherForecastGermany .
#opendata #dwd #TinyWeatherForecastGermany
@topio@mastodon.social @topio_space @topio@mobilize.berlin
Habe Euch gerade in der Markthalle besucht und etwas Werbung für #TinyWeatherForecastGermany (Wettervorhersage mit #opendata vom #dwd) und #imagepipe (befreit Bilder von Metadaten und verkleinert sie vorm Teilen) gemacht.
Euer Stand ist wirklich Klasse! 👍👍👍 Super, dass ihr anderen helft, #lineageos zu installieren und Werbung für #opensource macht!
#opensource #lineageos #imagepipe #dwd #opendata #TinyWeatherForecastGermany
#TinyWeatherForecastGermany bietet fünf verschiedene #widgets für den #homescreen:
damit ist die schnelle Information über das Wetter möglich, und zwar ganz nach den individuellen Wünschen.
Unterstützt werden auch vier verschiedene Farbthemen: Solarized, Solarized Dark, hell und dunkel.
Die Widgets weisen auf Wunsch auch auf Wetterwarnungen hin.
Wettervorhersage basierend auf #opendata des #dwd , #opensource und ohne #tracking.
Die App ist bei #fdroid verfügbar:
#fdroid #tracking #opensource #dwd #opendata #homescreen #widgets #TinyWeatherForecastGermany
@kloud @IzzyOnDroid #TinyWeatherForecastGermany at #fdroid https://f-droid.org/en/packages/de.kaffeemitkoffein.tinyweatherforecastgermany/
It uses #opendata from the "Deutscher Wetterdienst" (#dwd) .
#dwd #opendata #fdroid #TinyWeatherForecastGermany
@cantences @Nucleus bezieht die Daten afaik von warnung.bund.de , während ich sie direkt vom #dwd hole.
Das mag eine Rolle spielen. Ebenso die Update-Intervalle beider Apps.
Bisher stimmten sie bei mir über ein, allerdings war bei mir meistens #TinyWeatherForecastGermany schneller.
#TinyWeatherForecastGermany #dwd
Testen vor dem Release lohnt sich, und schon wieder einen App-Crash gefunden, wenn man die App zum allerersten mal installiert....
Das erste Feedback zum #preview der neuen Version von #TinyWeatherForecastGermany erforderte, ein weiteres kleines Feature einzubauen.
Daher ein neuer #rc und noch etwas mehr testen... 😎
#rc #TinyWeatherForecastGermany #preview
If you like, you can test a #releasecandidate of #TinyWeatherForecastGermany :
I think you'll like the new features. :awesome:
Should you install it, please test two things:
- check the warnings map
- long-tap (or double-click) on a forecast in the main app
You also might consider testing the landscape layouts and the four themes, since they were updated.
#TinyWeatherForecastGermany #releasecandidate