"The district court itself noted that the School Board did not even 'have transgender students in mind when it originally established separate multi-stall restrooms for boys and girls'."
Despite writing plain and clear, the judge writing for majority in Drew v. St Johns Cty just doesn't see the issue: Erasure justified by post hoc logic about what sex is, and isn't, a logic to be leveraged by judges who seek to reject unequal access claims on basis of gender.
As someone who is both a scholar interested in #WorkforceDevelopment and also a job seeker along various #HigherEd law and policy avenues, I find it perplexing that some #TitleIX roles that are ostensibly entry-level (i.e., coordinator) also require previous investigative experience, or sometimes the coord or investigator role is lumped in with another HR or EOE/AA function but without what would seem adequate or commensurate compensation let alone time or human capacity to do all roles well.
#WorkforceDevelopment #highered #TitleIX
Florida instructs schools to ignore federal protections for transgender kids https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/07/florida-instructs-schools-ignore-federal-protections-transgender-kids/ #Anti-transgenderdiscrimination #DeSantisadministration #MiguelCardona #MannyDiazJr. #RonDeSantis #News(USA) #Florida #TitleIX
#anti #DeSantisadministration #MiguelCardona #MannyDiazJr #RonDeSantis #News #Florida #TitleIX