it feels too heavy.
When on a computer I oftentimes find myself falling back to a simple text editor (#Notepad++ on Windows), but I eventually end up moving this data into another system.
I've used a large a variety of task management apps (e.g. #Asana, #Trello, #TickTick, #Microsoft #ToDo, #Toodledo, #Google #Tasks) but always find them constraining.
The application that perhaps best captured my needs is Mark Joyner's #Simpleology but it isn't perfect, pretty expensive, etc.
#notepad #asana #trello #ticktick #microsoft #ToDo #toodledo #google #tasks #simpleology
je fais les sauvegardes sur un #Synology #NAS, qui est lui meme fait une sauvegarde sur un disque dur USB externe.
les mac -> timemachine
le windows -> sauvegarde
les linux -> crontab (tar + rysnc).
Pour les fichiers critiques (exemple pieces d'identite) sur un site externe #nextcloud de facon a y avoir access a l'exterieur en cas d'incendie ou de vol de portefeuille.
Le disque dur USB devrait etre une sauvegarde sur une site distant (#glacier #todo)
#synology #nas #NextCloud #glacier #ToDo
@omgubuntu KOrganizer! I needed proper calendaring software because my life is approaching the complexity where it can only be scheduled to manage it all
#linux #KDE #calendar #contacts #ToDo #journal #korganizer
One of my biggest struggles right now is managing my ever growing list of Shit To Do That Doesn't Have A Deadline. Or stuff that has a deadline of "by (some vague time that's further away than next week)", which is functionally the same thing
Do y'all have any better strategies for this? I just have a Todo notepad in my phone that becomes a black hole dumpster fire, and it's not sustainable.
Searching for a #todo #app that really stands out? Try TickTick!
#ToDo #app #anothertodoapp #ticktick #recommendation
Breaking things down so you don't - AI-based tools to help break tasks into smaller, bite-sized chunks:
#ADHD #productivity #ToDo
I know #ToDo apps are a cliche in terms of code examples or "my first #UX project" but gosh they're hard to get right. I just started using Things 3 on my phone and #mac and it's really pleasant.
Keyboard shortcuts on the app are especially good. And it has my favorite thing: TAGS
If you do task management and timeboxing (like I do), this blog post and #PowerAutomate flow could help you become more productive when planning with #M365, #Planner and #ToDo: Thanks a lot to #LuiseFreese and #BenediktBergmann for the help and shared knowledge!
#PowerAutomate #m365 #planner #ToDo #luisefreese #benediktbergmann
Dropping back into work after a planned or unplanned absence or a busy period can be daunting and confusing for anyone.
Here is a quick method to get back on track:
#productivity #leadership #ToDo #systems #process #agile
Also on my #ToDo list:
1. Pull out all the funny Lily tweets and make them into a blog post.
2. Write a “detweet” plugin for #Jekyll and @johnsundell #Publish that pulls the information out of a tweet into JSON (that’s saved), generates the markup like existing plugins, *but doesn’t link to Twitter*.
FWIW, I like a solution used: a data directory that’s really configurable so you’re not overwriting the theme’s SASS or markup.
On my #ToDo list: write up a @biorhythmist appreciation post of some of the things that have sent Rick and I into fits of giggles over the years.
A few examples:
“Late-stage capitalism? In this economy?”
“Do they teach rot13 on @\duolingo”
“If you are a fan of B.F. Skinner's work, boy have I got a treat for you.”
@alibenjamin This is on my to-do llst! I won't say *where* it is on my to-do list, but it's there!
I was typing "clean fridge" into my #ToDo list and #Autocorrect turned it into "clean grudges".
Which is pretty good advice.
learn how to reset battery calibration for this laptop
Changed battery few weeks ago and some config I had for the old one is messing with the new one values as it drops fast but it's still with several hours of power.
TLP, upower, etc.
Ich benutze hauptsächlich #Joplin aber auch #OpenTasks mit #Nextcloud #ToDo.
Aber todo.txt ist fĂĽr einen dritten Anwendungsfall mit #Sleek ein guter Tipp, danke:
#joplin #opentasks #nextcloud #ToDo #sleek
Kennt ihr das? #Rechnung bezahlen verschwitzt? #Zahlungserinnerung. Auf #todo gelegt und nach ein paar Tagen erledigt. Dann direkt #Mahnung mit #VerzugsgebĂĽhr. In der Regel hat sich das zwecks #Ăśberschneidung und daraus resultierender #Kulanz erledigt. #Algorithmen sind nicht kulant. 2. Mahung erhalten ĂĽber die VerzugsgebĂĽhr von EUR 1,20 zuzĂĽglich neue #MahngebĂĽhr von 1,20 = 2,40 zu zahlen. #Gehtsnoch ? #Niewiederklarna #klarna #kommunikation nur noch mit #Menschen
#rechnung #Zahlungserinnerung #ToDo #Mahnung #VerzugsgebĂĽhr #Ăśberschneidung #Kulanz #algorithmen #MahngebĂĽhr #gehtsnoch #Niewiederklarna #klarna #Kommunikation #menschen