Road closed due to impending street fair puts me onto the sidewalk? CHECK. Minivan blocking the only available disabled curb ramp? CHECK. Made to dismount my bike? CHECK. Room in front of the minivan that the gasshat could've parked in? CHECK. When called out for obstructing the gasshat makes some excuse about waiting for his wife then jaws after me as I leave? CHECK. Gasshat's gonna gasshat? CHECK. Cute puppy and kid I feel sorry for because gasshat? CHECK.
Road closed due to impending street fair puts me onto the sidewalk? CHECK. Minivan blocking the only available disabled curb ramp? CHECK. Made to dismount my bike? CHECK. Room in front of the minivan that the gasshat could've parked in? CHECK. When called out for obstructing the gasshat makes some excuse about waiting for his wife then jaws after me as I leave? CHECK. Gasshat's gonna gasshat? CHECK. Cute puppy and kid I feel sorry for because gasshat? CHECK.
You spin me right 'round baby right 'round like a record baby right 'round 'round 'round...
This split-screened footage from my rear helmet cam and my front helmet cam might induce motion sickness but tells the before, during and after of my incident yesterday with the "hoodie" in the Nissan SUV (Cal plate 7YRE350) breaking various laws all to arrive at the next stop sign about one second before I did. #ToLiveAndBikeInLA
For all the crap I deal with biking the streets of Last Angeles, friendly waves from passersby make it ALL worthwhile. #ToLiveAndBikeInLA
This GIF clip serves as a definitive demonstration of my abject disdain for well over 77.52% of all operators of wheeled deathboxes, and 102.99% of those entitled gassholes who eff around and find out what I think about their bullshit. #ToLiveAndBikeInLA
First time back on my ebike in two weeks and of course I couldn't get halfway through my morning commute without some entitled impatient LA driver taking the opportunity to reinforce my low opinion of their species by faking a right turn to cut across Venice at 4th Avenue for my latest edition of "Yer Goin' On The Internet."
I spy with my sad cyclist's eye this guerilla signage on the southbound side of Jefferson Boulevard at the site of the June 2021, murder of Leo Dimeglio by a hit-and-run motorist driving what's only described as a "dark-colored SUV with LED headlights." A $50,000 reward for information leading to the motorist's arrrest and conviction still stands. Rest in peace, Leo. #ToLiveAndBikeInLA
I know I come off as a #FAAFO kinda cyclist with a low threshold for the endless pile of idiocy I encounter during my commutes. But all things being equal instead of yelling at gassholes I'd rather my rides consist of waving good morning to the babies I encounter who make my day waving back. #ToLiveAndBikeInLA
To Every Urban Cyclist I See
I don't care from where you started.
I don't care to where you're going.
I'm not concerned with your motivation -- whether you're on your way to score some meth, or coming from a blood donation.
I don't judge you by your clothes or by the bike you're riding.
All I care about is that you safely complete your journey.
Because you are a hero to me.
It's simply the reality of Los Angeles that I must suffer the legions of licensed idiots piloting multi-ton deathboxes feeling entitled to forego safety and common sense. But when one veers to the wrong side of the road and appears to be heading directly toward me I most certainly will voice loud my opposition -- especially when gassholes such this one dismissively wave me around when I give them my signature WTF look. #ToLiveAndBikeInLA
It never gets old: The pure and simple joy of catching the green and rolling at speed through the 12th Street chicane across Vermont. #ToLiveAndBikeInLA
Motorists (such as this minivanning jerk honking at me for no effing reason other than I have the gall to be on his or her roa) rarely take the opportunity not to actively engender my ill will. #ToLiveAndBikeInLA
From a lifetime of bikeseat study across the streets of Los Angeles it has been determined that when given 100 opportunities for motorists to invalidate my low opinion of them as: A) inhumanely entitled, B) sociopathically inconsiderate, and C) feloniously unaware, they will instead corroborate it 99.174% of the time. #ToLiveAndBikeInLA
This was one of those times when you just want to listen to some sweet Jeff Beck (Rest in peace) and get home after a long day instead of getting into an argument with some idiot selling stolen sneakers who then distracts you from seeing the gangbanger she's forced to pay "protection" money to be able to operate coming up behind you and shanking yer ass. #ToLiveAndBikeInLA
During today's bike commute at 12th and Normandie, I encountered shameless red light runner now staring in this next episode of YER GOIN' ON DUH INTERNET
Los Angeles was drying up and blowing away in 2022 but dang if the plus side wasn't all the good biking days last winter and spring. This year's already proven much wetter than last and as a result it's January 11 and I'm grumbling because I've only bike commuted twice in 2023. #ToLiveAndBikeInLA #LABike #BikeLA
#BikeLA #LABike #ToLiveAndBikeInLA
3/3 Last workday bike commute of 2022 proved to be a little damp through the latter half (as seen in the rain drops that kept falling on my helmetcam lens). Here's three water-obscured clips to memorialize the trip... #ToLiveAndBikeInLA #LABike #BikeLA
#BikeLA #LABike #ToLiveAndBikeInLA
2/3 Last workday bike commute of 2022 proved to be a little damp through the latter half (as seen in the rain drops that kept falling on my helmetcam lens). Here's three water-obscured clips to memorialize the trip... #ToLiveAndBikeInLA #LABike #BikeLA
#BikeLA #LABike #ToLiveAndBikeInLA