#ChinnyTheCat kneeded to tell everyone the #FediCats happy #caturday . 😸
And that we're take advantage of a streaming service, checking out 🐸 Toad The Wet Sprocket. We've never really listened to any of their full albums before.
#ToadTheWetSprocket #AltRock
I told Chinny this sort of balances out listening to #BlackLabelSociety earlier today. I'm not sure if he's buying it. 🤷
#chinnythecat #fedicats #caturday #ToadTheWetSprocket #altrock #blacklabelsociety
Can anyone get me this #ToadTheWetSprocket track with Michael McDonald’s voice filtered out? Thanks in advance.
Tom is now listening to All I Want
Tom is now listening to Good Intentions