RT @alarm_phone
🆘~400 people at risk in Central Med
During the night we received a call from a boat with ~400 people in distress who departed from #Tobruk, #Libya.
We informed authorities, but no rescue operation has been confirmed so far.
Don’t delay help and put lives at risk - rescue now!
🆘 ~400 vite in pericolo nel #Mediterraneo centrale.La notte scorsa @alarm_phone ha ricevuto la richiesta d'aiuto da parte di un'imbarcazione in difficoltà partita da #Tobruk #Libia.Tutte le Autorità sono state avvertite: serve un'immediata operazione di soccorso. #SAR https://twitter.com/alarm_phone/status/1644971911175106562Alarm Phone: 🆘~400 people at risk in Central MedDuring the night we received a call from a boat with ~400 people in distress who departed from #Tobruk, #Libya.We informed authorities, but no rescue operation has been confirmed so far.Don’t delay help and put lives at risk - rescue now! https://t.co/OubnsVG7Qi
#mediterraneo #Tobruk #libia #sar #libya
RT @alarm_phone
🆘~400 people at risk in Central Med
During the night we received a call from a boat with ~400 people in distress who departed from #Tobruk, #Libya.
We informed authorities, but no rescue operation has been confirmed so far.
Don’t delay help and put lives at risk - rescue now!
Egyptian dhow in Tobruk Harbour in 1969. #Photography #Dhow #Libya #Tobruk
#photography #dhow #Libya #Tobruk
#GTKM Get to Know Me from some of my favorite #wargames : #AdvancedSquadLeader #DevilsCauldron #OldSchoolTactical #LaBataille series #Napoleon’sTriumph #Normandy’44 #noRetreat #IronTide #Tobruk #AVictoryLost See my wargame reviews at https://boardgamegeek.com/user/djflippy
#gtkm #wargames #advancedsquadleader #DevilsCauldron #oldschooltactical #labataille #Napoleon #normandy #noRetreat #irontide #Tobruk #avictorylost
Re Questo dimostra che l'Italia sta pagando le milizie più forti per portare avanti l'esternalizzazione delle frontiere nel deserto e nel Mediterraneo. I naufraghi portate in diversi campi di detenzione a #Tobruk dove li attendono torture ed estorsioni.Refugees In Libya: This shows that Italy is paying most of the strongest militiamen to carry out border externalisation throughout the desert and on the Med. All have been taken to different detention camps in #Tobruk and as usual,the inhumane treatment is awaiting them, tortures and extortions.
Re Il portavoce del battaglione Tarik Bin Ziad di #Tobruk afferma di aver ricevuto informazioni sull'imbarcazione e di aver subito risposto con una squadra che l'ha intercettata. Il portavoce non rivela la fonte che gli ha fornito le coordinate della barca.Refugees In Libya: The spokes personnel for the TARIK BIN ZIAD BATTALION in Tobruk claims that they received information about the boat and an immediate team responded and intercepted the boat, the spokesman did not disclose the source which gave him the coordinates to the boat.
L'altro ieri, un vecchio peschereccio partito da Tobruk con oltre 500 persone provenienti soprattutto da Egitto e Siria è stato intercettato a 60 km dalla costa orientale di #Tobruk.Sulla barca c'erano più di 240 minori egiziani, 11 donne siriane e neonati di 1 anno e 4 mesi.Refugees In Libya: Yesterday an old fishing boat that left from Tobruk with over 500 people mostly from Egypt and Syria was intercepted 60km off the eastern coast of TorukIn the boat were more than 240 minors from Egypt, 11 women from Syria and babies young as a year and four months.
On 11 November 1941 an Order of Battle (Kriegsstärkenachweisung - KStN) was produced for the #Afrikakorps Division z.b.V. Afrika (Special purpose division Africa), which just over two weeks later was to become the much more famous #90thlight 90. leichte Division. At this time it was barely a brigade, practically immobile, lacking heavy weapons and standard supply items. #ww2 #desertwar #1941 #northafrica #tobruk #rommel #eightharmy https://crusaderproject.wordpress.com/2009/08/15/order-of-battle-division-z-b-v-afrika-africa-special-purpose-division-10-november-41/
#afrikakorps #90thlight #ww2 #desertwar #northafrica #Tobruk #rommel #eightharmy
For comparison, here is a short article that we did on #afrikakorps counterbattery at #Tobruk in #1941.
What many students of the desert war don't appreciate is that well into 1942, the #Axis forces in North Africa had artillery superiority over the #britisharmy. #history #WW2 #histodons @histodons #milhist
#afrikakorps #Tobruk #Axis #britisharmy #history #ww2 #histodons #MilHist
9 November 1941 saw the destruction of the #italian #navy Duisburg or BETA convoy by the #royalnavy Force K, consisting of two light cruisers and two destroyers operating out of #Malta. It was a crucial blow in advance of ground operations in the #Tobruk sector commencing. #WW2 #desertwar #navalhistory #history @histodons
We have published some of the operational reports by HMS Aurora http://rommelsriposte.com/2009/02/07/force-k-report/
#italian #navy #royalnavy #Malta #Tobruk #ww2 #desertwar #Navalhistory #history
🆘 ~700 persone in pericolo❗️@alarm_phone è stata contattata da un'imbarcazione partita da #Tobruk #LibiaSi trova nella zona #SAR di competenza #Italia e #Malta e sembrerebbe siano~700 le persone a bordoBisogna intervenire subito@mims_gov @Viminale @Palazzo_Chigi @MaltaGovAlarm Phone: 🆘! ~700 people in distress!!We were alerted by a large wooden boat that left #Tobruk, #Libya, and is now in the SAR zones of #Malta and #Italy. Communication is difficult but we believe we heard they were 700 people on board! We urge authorities: launch a rescue operation!!
#italy #libya #malta #italia #sar #LibiaSi #Tobruk
Libyan protesters set fire to parliament building in Tobruk | Libya | The Guardian #libyan #protesters #fire #parliament #building #tobruk #libya #guardian #2luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGhlZ3VhcmRpYW4uY29tL3dvcmxkLzIwMjIvanVsLzAyL2xpYnlhbi1wcm90ZXN0ZXJzLXNldC1maXJlLXRvLXBhcmxpYW1lbnQtYnVpbGRpbmctdG9icnVr
#2luglio #guardian #libya #Tobruk #building #parliament #fire #protesters #libyan
In tutta la #Libia, ieri, sono esplose proteste contro le condizioni di vita insostenibili e lo stallo politico del paese.A #Tobruk è stato assalito il Parlamento. Cortei vari anche a #AlBayda, #Misurata e #Tripoli.La #Libia non è un paese sicuro!#EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya
#EvacuateRefugeesFromLibya #tripoli #misurata #alBayda #Tobruk #libia
Libia: la crisi esaspera il popolo, assalto al parlamento a Tobruk | TeLoDoGratis #libia #crisi #esaspera #popolo #assalto #parlamento #tobruk #telodogratis #2luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGVsb2RvZ3JhdGlzLml0LzIwMjIvMDcvMDEvbGliaWEtbGEtY3Jpc2ktZXNhc3BlcmEtaWwtcG9wb2xvLWFzc2FsdG8tYWwtcGFybGFtZW50by1hLXRvYnJ1ay8=
#2luglio #telodogratis #Tobruk #parlamento #assalto #popolo #esaspera #crisi #libia
Libia, i manifestanti assaltano il Parlamento di Tobruk: fiamme e saccheggi nell`edificio - I video - Open #libia #manifestanti #assaltano #parlamento #tobruk #fiamme #saccheggi #nelledificio #video #open #2luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cub3Blbi5vbmxpbmUvMjAyMi8wNy8wMS9saWJpYS1hc3NhbHRvLXBhcmxhbWVudG8tdG9icnVrLXZpZGVvLw==
#2luglio #open #video #nelledificio #saccheggi #fiamme #Tobruk #parlamento #assaltano #manifestanti #libia